Prostate Cancer News & Articles


A No-Nonsense Look At Prostate Cancer Surgery

Recovering Sexual Function After Prostate Cancer Surgery

When Men With Prostate Cancer Get Prostatitis

The DVDs Are Here! Order Your Copy Of The 2018 Mid-Year Update


Fall 2017, Vol. 20, No. 3

An Update on Active Surveillance

Our Journey to Establish Prostate SBRT as a Standard of Care

Making the Most Out of Treatment Regret: Lessons From Patients

Check Out Our Prostate Cancer 101 Video Series


Spring + Summer 2017, Vol. 20, No. 2

2017 Prostate Cancer Conference

HIFU for Localized Prostate Cancer: What Every Man Should Know | Mark Emberton, MD, & Juan Gómez Rivas, MD

Surgery Versus Radiation in High-Risk Prostate Cancer | Amar U. Kishan, MD

2017 Moyad + Scholz Mid-Year Update Recap | Alexandra "Xan" Oakley

Check Out Our Prostate Cancer 101 Video Series


WINTER 2017, VOL. 20, No. 1

Medical Marijuana for Cancer | Mark Moyad, MD

PCRI Blog: Prostate Size Matters | Mark Scholz, MD

Targeted Radiation with Radium-223 | Michael Anderson, MD & Nicholas Vogelzang, MD

Helpline Corner: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions


November 2016, Vol. 19, NO.4

Featured Article: New PET Agents

Race Cars, Women, and Prostates

2016 Prostate Cancer Conference Highlights

Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy

Donate to PCRI with Mark Moyad, MD


AUGUST 2016, Vol. 19, No.3

Using Ginseng for Cancer Related Fatigue

Finding My Voice to Speak Up About Prostate Cancer

2016 Prostate Cancer Conference

2016 Mid-Year Appeal Letter, Ryan O’Neal

Sexual Recovery after Prostate Cancer: 9 Tips from a Sex Therapist

Helpline Corner: A Letter from a Caller

Erections Lasting 4 Hours and Other Emergencies


MAY + JUNE 2016, VOL. 19, NO.2

Featured Article: Xofigo (Radium-223): An Overview

Program Update: 2016 Moyad + Scholz Update Recap

The Mark Moyad, MD Challenge

Featured Article: Abstracts From The 2016 AUA Meeting

2016 Prostate Cancer Conference Information

Introducing John D. Anderson

From Our industry Partner: Informed Decision Making Tool | CPCC

Helpline Corner: Silvia Cooper


FEBRUARY 2016, VOL. 19, NO.1

PCRI Partners with Emmy Winning Actor Ed Asner

Interpreting a Pathology Report with Jonathan Epstein, MD

The Moyad Side Benefits of 5 Important Adult Vaccines in 2016

2016 Moyad + Scholz Mid-Year Update

Helpline Corner “My Story”