Many treatments have irreversible consequences, so the goal is to do it right the first time. It is well known that long-term survival is improved by receiving optimal treatment upfront. The first treatment is your best opportunity to eradicate cancer…
PSA plays a variety of roles, the most familiar being screening to detect prostate cancer. PSA also helps to define the Stages of Blue. Another role of PSA is to detect cancer relapse after surgery or radiation. Lastly, rises or declines in PSA after hormone therapy or chemotherapy help determine whether a treatment is working…
PSA is a powerful blood test for detecting a cancer relapse. However, there is always a danger of misinterpretation.
While multiparametric MRI is an excellent tool for monitoring disease inside the prostate, scanning the rest of the body for cancer that may have spread to the lymph nodes or bones is also critical. Body scans are necessary for every Stage of Blue except Sky…
Once the proper Stage of Blue is assigned, the different treatments appropriate for that Stage can be considered and compared. In the prostate cancer treatment realm, decisions are usually based on comparisons among several alternatives…
Radiation is a mainstay for salvage treatment after surgery and also one of the better salvage options for relapse after previous radiation. Radiation, when it is given preventatively, while the PSA is still undetectable, is called adjuvant therapy…
Treatment for Indigo varies per the subtype. Men with Low-Indigo are presumed to have disease confined to the prostate or where the prostate used to be located. Men with Basic-Indigo have a relatively low risk for…
Some of the unorthodox treatments for Azure such as aspirin, metformin, and statins, may be worthy of consideration for Indigo. Treatment with ancillary agents such as these should generally be considered as additions rather than substitutions to an overall protocol that includes standard anticancer therapies.
Blocking testosterone, a hormone that induces libido, strength, endurance, emotional stability, and potency, creates all kinds of side effects.
The most common side effect from Taxotere or Jevtana is fatigue. If tiredness from Taxotere becomes excessive, changing the schedule of infusions to weekly may be less toxic. Also, the tiredness may be reduced by switching from…
The post-treatment surveillance policy for men who have undergone an attempt at curative surgery or radiation is to check PSA quarterly for the first two years, biannually for the next three, and annually thereafter. For radiation patients, a yearly digital rectal examination is also recommended. After treatment with TIP…
Ideally, the bulk of human food intake should be from whole food sources (unprocessed, unadulterated, natural), with only a small percentage of food products (processed, refined, boxed, bottled, canned, packaged, and powdered). Whole foods provide...
The risk of a sedentary lifestyle is about the same as a pack-a-day smoking habit. “Sitting is the new smoking.” After age 60, just through the normal aging process, men lose 1% of their muscle every year. Hormonal treatments accelerate…
When it comes to dietary supplements, less is more. Mega-doses suggest a worse outcome or prognosis in patients with cancer.
Indigo is prostate cancer that has relapsed after a previous attempt at curative treatment (surgery, radiation, HIFU, laser, electroporation or cryotherapy) but without detectable cancer that has advanced into areas of the body distant to the pelvic lymph nodes. Over 50,000 men relapse after treatment every year in the United States….