Birmingham | Us TOO St. Vincents East | 50 Medical Park East | 2nd Wed. 12pm-1pm | Rhonda Reese | 205-838-3657 | rhonda.reese@ascension.org
Mobile | UsTOO Mobile Chapter | Mobile Infirmary Cancer Care Center - 5 Mobile Infirmary Cir. | First Tuesday 6 - 7:30pm | Duane Kent and Dan Root | 251 591-8557 (Duane) and 251-610-4739 (Dan) | krusader@juno.com
Anchorage | UsTOO Anchorage Chapter | Providence Cancer Center Tower U - 3851 Piper St | 1st Tues. 6pm | Dave Grashin | 907-250-6878 | dgrashin@gmail.com
Chandler | Us TOO Southeast Valley | Ironwood Cancer Research Center | 695 S. Dobson Road | 2nd Mon. 7pm | Otto Sankey | 480-229-5837 | ottosankey@hotmail.com
Gilbert | Us TOO Gilbert AZ | Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center, Learning Center - 2946 E. Banner Gateway Drive | 3rd Thursday 3pm-5pm | Robert Miller | 480-984-1195 | K2RMAZ@gmail.com
Mesa | Us TOO Bert Chamberland Chapter | Banner Desert Medical Center - 1400 S Dobson Rd | 4th Monday 7pm-9pm except July-Sept. | Robert Miller | 480-984-1195 | K2RMAZ@gmail.com
Phoenix | Us TOO Northeast Valley | Mayo Hospital Room #MCH1-212 - 5777 E. Mayo Blvd. | 1st Mon 7pm-9pm except July-Sept. | Chuck Voinovich | 480-451-4416 | chuckvrealty@cox.net
Scottsdale | Us TOO Alliance Oncology PCa Support Group | Alliance Oncology - 7340 E. Thomas Road | 2nd Monday 7pm | Steve Herman | 602-840-2577 | steve@steveherman.net
Sierra Vista | Us TOO Sierra Vista | 2200 El Mercado Loop | Last Friday 9am-10:30am except Nov. and Dec. | Paul Grillo | 520-263-3293 | paulgrillo90@gmail.com
Sun City West | Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 13724 W. Meeker | 2nd Thursday 9am (June, July, Aug. no meeting) | Richard Miles | 916-548-7407 | richardr.miles@icloud.com
Tucson | Us TOO Tucson | American Legion Post #36, Auxiliary Bldg. look for blue ribbon signage in parking lot - 5845 E. 22nd St | 4th Wednesday of month, 10am | Stanley Mead | 520-622-5369 | stanleymead@gainusa.com
Bella Vista | Mercy Clinic - 1 Mercy Way STE 40 | 4th Wednesday 4-5pm (except Nov. and Dec.) | 479-636-9669
Fayetteville | Washington Regional Cancer Support Home - 1101 N Woolsey Ave | 4th Tuesday 6-7:30pm | 479-521-8024
Fort Smith | Fort Smith Peer Network Support Group | Reynolds Cancer Support House - 3324 South M Street | Last Wed. 11am-12pm | Bev Eckert | 501-379-8027
Jonesboro | Jonesboro Peer Network Support Group | Second Floor, UAMS Center on Aging - 303 East Matthews | 1st Thurs. 6pm | Bev Eckert | 501-379-8027
Little Rock | Little Rock Peer Network Support Group | Second Presbyterian Church, Room 67 - 600 Pleasant Valley Drive | 3rd Tues. 6pm | Bev Eckert | 501-379-8027
Cameron Park | Us TOO El Dorado County | Marshall Medical Cancer Center - 3581 Palmer Drive Suite 400 | 1st Thurs. 3pm | Richard Montgomery | 916-213-5593 | richardmontgomery773@gmail.com
Compton | Men of African Descent (MOAD) Prostate Cancer Support Group | Locations Rotate - Please Call | 2nd Saturday 10am-12pm | Eric Andrew | 408-761-9199 | diondrew@live.com
Fountain Valley | Walnut Gang | Fountain Valley Senior Center - 17967 Bushard St. | 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 5pm | Larry Gerber | 714-408-8316 | largerb1@aol.com
Fresno | Us Too Urology Associates of Central California | Plaza Building, 2nd Story, Leonard Room - 1111 E Spruce Ave | Different times every month, call for details | Hailey Richardson | 559-321-2804 | haileyr@urologyassociates.net
Fullerton | Prostate Forum of Orange County | First Presbyterian Church - 838 North Euclid | New Patients & Advanced Groups: 4th Thursday 5-6:45pm, Evening Group: 4th Thursday 7-8:30pm | Maurie Hartman (Maurie staffs the Forum’s Hotline for newly diagnosed patients) | 714-459-2058 (Hotline Number) | ProstateForumOC@gmail.com
Long Beach | Us TOO Long Beach Memorial Medical Center at Todd Cancer Institute - 2810 Long Beach Boulevard | 4th Tues. 6:30pm | Alecia Weaver | 562-933-0900 | aweaver@memorialcare.org
Los Angeles | CSC LA (Orientation Metting Recommended Tues. 6-7pm or Fri. 10-11am) | Cornerstone Plaza - 1990 South Bundy Drive, Suite 100 | 2nd Mon. 6 - 8pm | Shannon La Cava | 310-314-2555 | slacava@cancersupportla.org
Los Angeles | Gay Men’s Prostate Cancer Support Group | Los Angeles LGBT Center - 1625 Schrader Blvd. | 1st and 3rd Tuesday 7-9pm | Bill Kavanaugh | 310-314-2555 x2599
Modesto | Us TOO McHenry Center | 1700 McHenry Blvd Suite 60B (Currently meeting online) | 4th Mon. 6:30pm-9pm | Ken Willmarth and Steve Bain | 209-402-2302 (Ken) | kenwillmarth@gmail.com and steelroofer@yahoo.com
Monterey | PC Self Help Group of CA Center Coast | 100 Barnet Segal Lane | 1st Wed. (every other month starting Feb.) 5-6:30pm | Pat Soifer | 831-373-5531
Mountain View | Us TOO Silicon Valley PC Education & Support | El Camino Hospital, Conference Room F (General Group) or Room B (Advanced Group) - 2500 Grant Rd | 1st Thur 7-9pm (General), 5-6:45pm (Advanced) | Rupen Sheth (Advanced Group: Walt D’Ardenne) | 408-905-7412 (Rupen Sheth), 408-905-7412 (Walt D’Ardenne) | pca.group.adm@gmail.com (Advanced Group: whda@aol.com)
Newport Beach | Hoag Memorial Hospital PC Group | 1 Hoag Drive, B41 | 1st Wed. | Sandy Pollet | 949-764-1804 | sandy.pollet@hoag.org
Oakland | Us TOO Prostate Cancer Berkeley/Oakland | Alta Bates Summit Medical Center Summit Campus - 3100 Summit St | 2nd Tuesday 6:30-8pm | Bruce Linde | 510-206-9730 | info@prostatecanceroakland.org
Orange | St. Joseph's Hospital | Cancer Center, second floor - 1010 W La Veta Ave. | 3rd Tues. (even months only) 6pm | Enza Esposito-Nguyen | 714-734-6237
Redondo Beach | Cancer Support Community | 109 West Torrance Blvd | 1st Wed. + 3rd Wed. 4:30-6:30pm | Stephen Lottenberg (Group Leader), Nida Padilla (Program Manager) | 310-376-3550
Riverside | Prostate Cancer Family Support Group | Riverside Medical Clinic, Lower Level Conference Rooms 1 & 2 - 7117 Brockton Ave. | 2nd Thursday 6:30pm (except August + Dec.) | Megan Elder | 951-321-6514 | Megan@RMCcharity.org
Palm Desert | Viviendo con Cancer | Gilda’s Club Desert Cities - 73555 Alessandro Drive | Jueves 6pm | Lucy Gutierrez, MSW | 760-770-5678
Palm Desert | Familiares y Amigos | Gilda’s Club Desert Cities, 73555 Alessandro Drive | Jueves 6pm | Carmen Mendoza, MSW | 760-770-5678
Pasadena | COPE | Huntington Cancer Center, conference room - 100 W California Blvd. | 1st Thurs. 5pm | Mays Chua | 626-397-5071 | mays.chua@huntingtonhospital.com
Pomona | Robert-Beverly Lewis Family Cancer Center - 1910 Royalty Dr. | Mary Dyer | mary.dyer@pvhmc.org | 909-865-9555
Sacramento | Us TOO | Alternates between locations, UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center - 2279 45th St. AND Mercy San Juan Medical Center - 6501 Coyle Ave. | 3rd Thurs. | Beverly Nicholson | 916-300-4025 | beverlynicholson@comcast.net
San Fernando Valley | Us TOO Cancer Support Community Westlake Village | Cancer Support Community - 530 Hampshire Rd. | 2nd & 4th Wed 6:30-8pm and 3rd Sat 10:30am-12:30pm | Phil Dipaola | 818-618-7700 | phil@menstherapist.org
San Diego | Informed Prostate Cancer Support Group | 3rd Sat. 10am | Sanford Children's Health Research Center Auditorium - 10905 Road to the Cure | Gene Van Vleet | 619-890-8447 | info@IPCSG.org
San Francisco | St. Francis Memorial Hospital | Radiation Oncology Dept. - 900 Hyde Street | 1st Wed. 7-9pm | Michael Staples | 415-353-6780 | michael.staples@dignityhealth.org
San Rafael | Us TOO Marin | Marin General Hospital Staff Medical Library - 250 Bon Air Rd Greenbrae, CA | Every Tues. 7-8:30pm | Stan Rosenfeld | 415-459-4668 | vegstan2@ix.netcom.com
Santa Barbara | Prostate Cancer Support Group | Ridley Tree Cancer Center - 540 W. Pueblo St. | 2nd Tuesday 12-1:30pm | Amy Shapton | 805-879-0672 | amshapto@ridleytreecc.org
Santa Cruz | Us TOO Katz Cancer Resource Center | Katz Cancer Center, 3150 Mission Dr, Santa Cruz, CA | Last Wed. 7pm | Howard Waage | 831-334-0969 | laselvaman@hotmail.com
Santa Rosa | Sutter Health Prostate Cancer Support Group | Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation - Warrack Campus, Cancer Support Services, Main Entrance, 2nd floor 2449 Summerfield Road | 1st Monday of each month, 6:30-8:30 pm (except months where the first Monday falls on a Holiday, in which cases groups are usually the 2nd Tuesday) | Bob Cobb | (707) 523-7220 (Call before attending for the first time)
San Luis Obispo | Prostate Cancer Support Group | Hearst Cancer Resource Center, 1941 Johnson Avenue, Suite 201 | 3rd Mon. 6:30pm | Richard Hathcock | 805-542-6234
Simi Valley | Us TOO Simi Valley Senior Citizens’ Center | 3900 Avenisa Simi | 3rd Tues. 7-9pm | Tom Seckar | 805-584-0670 | tseckar@sbcglobal.net
Stockton | Us TOO San Joaquin County | Meeting virtually — Physical location TBD| 3rd Tuesday 10:30am-12pm | Dave Morse | 209-969-8180 | davemorsesr@gmail.com
Vallejo | Us TOO Vallejo | Kaiser Vallejo Hospital, Lower Level Conference Rooms B & C across from Pharmacy #1 - 975 Sereno Dr. | 4th Tuesday 3pm | Rich Collins | 707-337-2915 | richcollins4@gmail.com
Walnut Creek | Cancer Support Community | 3276 McNutt Avenue | 2nd and 4th Thurs. 11am-1pm (metastatic group) and 4th Thurs. 1pm-3pm (Localized group) | Vic Ortiz | vortiz@cancersupport.net
Westlake Village | Us TOO Westlake Cancer Support Community | 530 Hampshire Road | 3rd Sat. 10:30am, 2nd + 4th Wednesday 6:30pm | Kevin Axelrad | 310-393-2186 or 805-379-4777 | axelradk@roadrunner.com
Boulder | Us TOO Boulder | Eastern-most building of the Creekside Office Park located at 120 Old Laramie Trail East in Lafayette | 4th Tues. 6:30 - 8:30pm | Rick Powers | 303-442-5679 | boulderpces@gmail.com
Fort Collins | Us TOO Fort Collins Men’s Prostate Support Group | UC Health Cancer Center - 2315 East Harmony Road Suite 140, Conf. Room | 2nd Tues. 6 - 8pm | Bill Dieterich | 970-226-1181 | ustoo.fortcollins@gmail.com
Pueblo | Us TOO Southern Colorado | Dorcy Cancer Center - 2004 Lake Ave. | 3rd Tues. 4:30-5:30pm | Dave Moore (Leader) and Cesar Sanchez | 719-557-3738 (Dave), 719-557-5889 (Cesar) | cesarsanchez@centura.org
Danbury | Us TOO Men Together | Ann's Place - 80 Saw Mill Road | 1st Wed. 6:30-8pm | James Coffey | 203-790-6568 | su@annsplace.org
Hartford | Trinity Health of New England Prostate Cancer Support Group | Urban League Building - 140 Woodland St. | Day changes monthly, 5-7pm call for details | 860-714-5770
Dover/Milford | Us TOO Bayhealth | Bayhealth Kent General Hosp. (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov) - 640 S State St. AND Bayhealth Mildford General Hospital (Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec.) - 100 Wellness Way | 3rd Wed. 7pm | David Sauls | 302-632-7951 | rundave@comcast.net
Mildford | Cancer Support Community - Delaware (Registration Required, Please Call Harriett Pinkston) | Bayhealth Sussex Campus - 100 Wellness Way, KGH General Foods Conference Rm, First Floor | 3rd Wednesday 7pm | Harriet Pinkston | 302-744-6752 or 302-430-5143
Wilmington | CSC | 4810 Lancaster Pike | 3rd Mon. 6:30pm | npickles@cscde.org | Phone: 302-995-2850
Clearwater | Us TOO Pinellas County Prostate Cancer & Wellness Support Group | West Florida Radiation Center - 2560 Enterprise Rd East | Third Wednesday 6:30-8pm | Dusty Rhodes | 727-738-8569 | beatprostatecancer99@gmail.com
Fort Lauderdale | Gilda’s Club / CSC General Cancer Support Group (See website or call for more information on men’s groups, gay men’s groups, and men’s breakfast) - 119 Rose Dr. | Wed 6:30-8pm and Tues 5:30 pm (Spanish speakers) | 954-763-6776
Fort Walton Beach | Fort Walton Beach Medical Center - 1000 Mar Walt Drive | 2nd Thurs. 7pm | Tom Alexander | 850-651-2326 | talex5@cox.net
Margate | Aaron Neuhaus Memorial Chapter | Northwest Medical Park Suite 104 - 2960 NW Street Road 7 | 2nd Mon. 7:30pm | David Corito | 954-778-4362 or 954-721-6598 | davelou@bellsouth.net
Sarasota | Us TOO Sarasota | Doctors Hospital - 5731 Bee Ridge Rd | 3rd Thurs. 6pm | Steve Gordon | 941-374-0990 | ustoosarasota@yahoo.com
Stuart | Us TOO Prostate Support Group of Treasure Coast | Molly’s House - 430 SE Oseola St. | First Thursday 6:30pm | Benjamin David Shore | 772-708-6696 | bd-shore@comcast.net
The Villages | Prostate Cancer Education and Support Group in the Villages | The Laurel Manor Recreation Center, 1985 Laurel Manor Drive | 1st Wed. 7pm, (3rd Wed of odd months Men only 7pm), even months 7pm metastatic | Fred Barrone | 407-256-0274 | whgfeb1945@gmail.com
West Palm Beach | Us TOO Wellington Regional Medical Center | 10101 Forest Hill Blvd. | 1st Thurs. 7pm | Keith Colombo | 561-798-5625
Residents of Georgia are encouraged to visit the Georgia Prostate Cancer Coalition as a local source of information. Support groups are located here.
Athens | Us TOO Athens PC Support Group | Loran Smith Center for Cancer Support - 240 Talamadge Dr. | 2nd Thurs 7-8:30pm | Tom Stephens | 770-403-0257 | stephens3954@yahoo.com
Atlanta | Prostaware (RSVP required to accommodate for food and beverages) | Piedmont West Building, Chapman Cancer Wellness - 1800 Howell Mill Road, Ste 700 | 3rd Thursday 6:30pm | Henry Oat | 404 425-7944 (call Kim to RSVP) or 404-210-1865 (to reach Henry Oat for more information)
Atlanta | Us TOO Emory Prostate Cancer Group | Emory Clinic, 5th floor - 1365 Clifton Rd. | 1st Wed 11am-12:30pm | Jim Hankins | 404-778-5716 | James.hankins@emoryhealthcare.org
Augusta | Us TOO Augusta Area Prostate Cancer Support Group | Cancer Center Georgia Health Sciences Institute - 1499 Laney Walker Blvd. | 3rd Tues. 7:30pm (No meeting June & July) | Terry Leiden | 706-724-8548 | tleiden@leidenandleiden.com
Fayetteville | Us TOO PC Info Group | Piedmont Fayette Hospital Cancer Wellness West Entrance, 3rd Floor Conference Room - 1267 Hwy 54 | 4th Tuesday 7pm (except Dec.) | Jim O’Hara | 770-632-2898 | jimlohara2@aol.com
Macon | Man to Man Prostate Cancer Support Group | The Wellness Center, Navicent Health - 3797 Northside Dr. | First Tuesday 7-9pm | 478-633-6349
Marietta | Wellstar and American Legion Post 29 | Radiation Conference Room, Lower Level, Kennestone Cancer Center - 320 Kennestone Hospital Blvd | 2nd Thurs. 7pm | Michelle Guibault or Bill Beaudin | 470-793-7449 or 770-919-7109 | michelle.guibault@wellstar.org
Valdosta | Us TOO South Georgia | Stifel Nicolaus - 3555 North Crossing Circle |1st Monday 5pm | Barry Barr | 229-561-3893 | barrb@stifel.com
Aiea | Us TOO Pali Momi | Pali Momi Hospital Diamond Head Conference Room - 98-1079 Moanalua Rd. | 3rd Tuesday 7-9pm | Gary Kim | 808-486-9675 | garyhkim@hawaii.rr.com
Hilo | Us TOO East Hawaii | Church of the Holy Cross - 400 w Lanikaula St | 2nd Thurs 12-1pm | Roy Toma | 808-935-7712 | roytoma@msn.com
Honolulu | Us TOO Pali Momi | Kuakini Medical Center, Room PB-5 - 347 N Kuakini St. | 2nd Wed. 7pm | Paul Mizue | 808-222-0425 | hpmizue@gmail.com
Bloomington | Us TOO Bloomington-Normal Pc Spt Grp | 407 E Vernon Ave. Normal | 2nd Tues 7-8:30pm (Jan, Apr, July, Oct) | Candi Gray | 309-451-8500 | cgray@cancercenter.org
Chicago | Us TOO Mercy Hospital | Room 242 (could change) - 2525 Michigan Avenue | 2nd Sat 11am-1pm | Vanessa Spears | 312-842-4400 | vspears@uropartners.com
Chicago | Us TOO/Gilda's Club River North | 537 North Wells Street | 3rd Thurs. 6pm | Jim Schraidt | 312-327-1392 | jschraidt@skcounsel.com
Elgin | Us TOO Presence St. Joseph Hospital | Meadows Cancer Center - 77 North Airlite | 2nd Tuesday 10am, 4th Tues. 7-8:30pm, and 1st Tuesday 10am (Advanced disease group) | Chaplain Soren Flessen | 847-695-3200 x5767 | soren.flessen@amitahealth.org
Evergreen Park | Us TOO Little Co of Mary | Little Co of Mary Hospital Meeting Room - 2800 W 95th St | First Thursday 7pm (except January and July) | Mary Duffin | 708-229-4142 | mduffin@lcmh.org
Geneva | Us TOO Living Well Prostate Cancer Support Group | Living Well Cancer Resource Center - 442 Williamsburg Avenue | 3rd Tues. 10:30am | Chaplain Soren Flessen | 847-695-3200 x5767 | soren.flessen@amitahealth.org
Glenview | Us TOO Bill Buckman Chapter | Glenbrook hospital in conference rooms B-D - 2100 Pfingsten Rd. (main pfingsten entrance) | 2nd Tuesday every other month 7-9pm, June 11, Aug. 13, Oct. 8, and Dec. 10 | Peter Wiggins | 847-535-9729 | r3labs@comcast.net
Hinsdale | Wellness House PCa Support Group | Wellness House (All services are free, Check out their website for more) -131 North County Line Road | 2nd and 4th Wed. 9:30-11am (Drop in Style, Only men with Prostate Cancer) | Michael Williams | 630-654-5117 | mwilliams@wellnesshouse.org
Joliet | Us TOO AUA Prostate Cancer Center | Prostate Cancer Center - 1541 Riverboat Center | 4th Monday 5:30pm | Jaclyn Underwood | 815-409-4957 | junderwood@advuro.com
Moline | Us TOO Greater Quad Cities PC Support Group | Trinity Medical Center - 2701 17th St., Rock Island or Genesis Medical Center, Jardihg conference room 1st floor main entrance - 1227 E Rusholme St, Davenport, IA | 3rd Thursday 7pm | Bill Palos | 309-799-3621 | wpalos@aol.com
Palatine/Inverness | Us TOO Bill Blair/Russ Gould Chapter | Holy Family Church Hall - 2515 W Palatine Rd. | 4th Tuesday 6:30-9pm, and 5:30-7:30 (advanced PCa) | Cliff Whall or John Shearron (advanced) | 630-718-1304 (Cliff) or 847-263-1521 (John) | whallc@comcast.net
Peoria | Us TOO Peoria | Proctor Professional Building 1 - 5401 North Knoxville Avenue | 4th Tues. 7pm (only Jan, April, July, Oct.) | George Melton | 309-691-6523 | geosara517@gmail.com
Springfield | Us TOO Springfield Region | Memorial Medical Center - 701 N 1st St. | 2nd Wed. 5:15pm | Tia Rapps | 217-757-7684 | Rapps.tia@mhsil.com
Fort Wayne | Us TOO Fort Wayne - Parkview | Park View North - 11109 Parkview Plaza Dr. | 1st Thurs. 6:30pm | Bill Seidel | 260-437-9670 | bseidel22@comcast.net
Fort Wayne | Us TOO Fort Wayne - Advanced/Recurring Group | Cancer Services Facility - 6316 Mutual Drive | 1st Wed. 6:30pm (advanced/recurring) | Bill Seidel | 260-437-9670 | bseidel22@comcast.net
Fort Wayne | Us TOO Fort Wayne - Inner City | Ft. Wayne Urban League - 2135 S Hanna St. | 2nd Sat 1-3pm | Joe Ayers | 260-348-6080 | wseidel22@comcast.net
Indianapolis | Cancer Support Community Central Indiana | CSC Main Campus - 5150 West 71st St. AND Community Health South - 1402 E County Line Rd. | 2nd Wed. 6:30 (Main Campus) 3rd Wed. 6:30 (Community Health South) | 317-257-1505
Cedar Rapids | Us TOO Prostate Cancer Support Group | Halle Perrine Cancer Center - 701 10th Street Southeast, Community Room A + B | 1st Tuesday 5:30pm | Peggi Weston-Kolarik | 319-221-8405 | peggikolarik@mercycare.org
Davenport | Us TOO Greater Quad Cities PC Support Group | Trinity Medical Center - 2701 17th St., Rock Island or Genesis Medical Center, Jardihg conference room 1st floor main entrance - 1227 E Rusholme St, Davenport, IA | 3rd Thursday 7pm | Bill Palos | 309-799-3621 | wpalos@aol.com
Des Moines | Us TOO John Stoddard Cancer Center | John Stoddard Cancer Center, Unity Point Health - 1221 Pleasant Street, Suite 450 | 4th Tues. 5:30pm | Angela Dotson | 515-241-4231 | angela.dotson@unitypoint.org
Leawood | Us TOO Prostate Network Group | Turning Point - 8900 State Line | First Wed. 6:30-8pm | Steven Hentzen | 913-485-1892 | steve@prostatenetwork.org
Wichita | Us TOO Wichita | St. Joseph's Hospital, McNamara Conf. Room - 3600 East Harry | 2nd Mon. 7:30pm | Harold Ruhl | 316-838-0209 | pros8tate@aol.com
Ashland | Man to Man | Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital, Bellefonte Centre, 5th floor - 1000 St. Christopher Drive | 2nd Tuesday 6:00pm | 606-833-3252
Lexington | Us TOO of the BlueGrass | St. Joseph Hospital Cancer Resource Center - 701 Bob-O-Link Drive, Suite 250 | 3rd Thurs. 6:30pm | Don Lynam | 859-221-9804 | d.lynam@twc.com
Louisville | Us TOO Louisville | Gilda’s Club - 633 Baxter Ave. | 4th Wed. 6pm | Laura Jo | (email for more information) | laurajo@ulh.org
Baton Rouge | Prostate Cancer Support Group | Baton Rouge General, Conference Room 2 (Entrance 3) - 8585 Picardy Ave. | 1st Monday 7-8pm | 225-927-2273
New Orleans | Us TOO Benjamin & Yancy Foundation, Inc. Group | AmeriHealth Caritas - 3155 Gentilly Blvd. | 2nd Tuesday 6-7pm | Russell Vappie or Jim Raby | 504-583-8254 (Russell) or 504-388-9640 (Jim) | by2foundation@gmail.com
New Orleans | Tulane Urology PCa Support Group | Tulane University Hospital, First Floor, Reily Pavilion - 1415 Tulane Ave. | 2nd Tuesday 6-8pm (Feb, April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.) | 504-988-5271
Shreveport | Us TOO Shreveport/Bossier City | Regional Urology LLC - 255 Bert Kouns | 3rd Tuesday 6pm | Daniel Green | 318-455-1304 | Dgreen@regionalurology.com
Brunswick | Us TOO Brunswick-Bath | Mid-Coast Hospital - 123 Medical Center Drive | 3rd Tues. 6:30pm | Terry Kungel | 617-449-8522 | tkungel@hughes.net
Lewiston | Prostate Cancer Support Group - Dempsey Center | Dempsey Center, 5th Floor - 29 Lowell St. | Last Wednesday 6-7:30pm | 207-795-8250
Rockland | Us TOO MidCoast Maine Group | Pen Bay Medical Center for Senior Care, Rockland Room Conf. Space - Lower level / rear of building - 6 White St. | 2nd Monday 5:30-7:30 | Charles Huschle | 617-756-4703 | charhuschie@gmail.com
South Portland | Prostate Cancer Support Group - Dempsey Center | The Dempsey Center - 778 Maine St | 2nd Tues. 5:30-6:30pm | 877-774-2200
Annapolis | Us TOO Anne Arundel Medical Ctr PCa Support Group | 7th Floor Belcher Pavilion - 2000 Medical Pkwy | 1st Mon. 6:30pm (occasional exceptions) | Jacqueline Shanahan | 443-481-5801 | jshanahan@aahs.org
Bethesda | Us TOO Suburban Hospital | John Hopkins Health Care & Surgical Center - 6420 Rockledge Dr. STE 1200 | Quarterly & Monthly Meetings available, call for details | Susan Jacobstein LCSW-C | 301-896-6837 | sjacob20@jhmi.edu
Bethesda | Us TOO Walter Reed National Military Medical Center | Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, River Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Building 19 - 8901 Wisconsin Avenue | Quarterly & Monthly Meetings available, call for details | William Mahr | 443-655-1009 | wpmahr550@yahoo.com
Columbia | Prostate Cancer Support Group (Man to Man) | 3rd Thursday 6:30pm | 301-395-1789 | gerrygears@gmail.com
Clinton | Us TOO South Maryland Chapter | Southern Maryland Hospital (Call for Details) | 2nd Tues. 6:30pm | Ed Jones | 301-203-1522 || edwjones@verizon.net
Derwood | Us TOO Derwood Support Group | Derwood Bible Church Down Flood, Garage Building - 7820 Derwood St. | 4th Sat 10-11am | Collin Clarke | 240-716-9015 | Ustooderwoodgroup@gmail.com
Attleboro | Us TOO Sturdy Memorial Hospital | Sturdy Memorial Hospital - 211 Park St | 1st Wed 7-8:30pm | Karen Messier | 508-236-7012 | kmessier@sturdymemorial.org
Boston | Us TOO Boston | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center - 330 Brookline Ave. | 1st Mon 6pm (sub-groups), 7pm (main group) | Gary Halvorsen | 781-272-2546 | halvy49@gmail.com
Brockton | Us TOO Brockton Hospital Prostate Cancer Support Group | Brockton Hospital, Assembly Room - 680 Centre St. | 1st Thursday 7pm (except July & Aug.) | Arthur Cabral | 781-447-0915 | ascabral@comcast.net
Lowell | Us TOO Lowell | The Cancer Center, Lowell General - 295 Varnum Ave. | 2nd Tuesday 6:30-8pm | Meg Lemire-Berthel | 978-937-6142 | margaret.lemire-berthel@lowellgeneral.org
South Weymouth | South Shore Hospital Prostate Cancer Support Group | South Shore Hospital Cancer Center, 1st Floor - 101 Columbian St. | 2nd Wed. 7pm (except July and August)| Michael Gutierrez | 781-624-4793 | michael_gutierrez@sshosp.org
Winchester | Winchester Hospital Prostate Cancer Support Group | 1st Floor, Conference Room A 1080 - 620 Washington Street | 1st Wed. 7pm | Gary Halvorsen | 781-272-2546 | halvy49@gmail.com
Worcester | Worcester Prostate Cancer Education & Support Group | UMASS Medical Center, ACC Building, 6th Floor - South Road | 2nd Thurs. 6pm | Carlton Barstow or Dan Flynn | 508-835-3390 (Carlton) or 978-514-2349 (Dan) | cbarstow46@gmail.com or dan.flynn@verizon.net
Ann Arbor | Cancer Support Community of Greater Ann Arbor | 2010 Hogback Road, Suite 3 | 1st Wed. 6pm 6-7:30pm | 734-975-2500
Brownstown / Detroit | Pca Support Group | Henry Ford Cancer Institute - 19675 Allen Rd. | 3rd Tuesday 7pm | 734-479-3311
Flint | Us TOO Flint Chapter | McLaren Hospitality House - 3170 Beecher Road | 1st Tues. 5pm | Hannah Ardelean | 810-342-4848 | hannah.ardelean@mclaren.org
Grand Rapids | Gilda’s Club Prostate Cancer Support Group (Please RSVP) | 1806 Bridge St. NW | 1st Tuesday 7-8:30pm | 616-453-8300
Lansing | Us TOO PC Support Group of Mid-Michigan | Sparrow Herbert-Herman Cancer Center, 1st Floor Conference Room - 1140 E Michigan Ave. | 1st Thurs. 7pm | Deb Batterbee | 517-364-9421 | debra.batterbee@sparrow.org
Livonia | Us TOO | St. Mary Our Lady of Hope Cancer Center (In Hospital) - 36475 Five Mile Road | 4th Wed. 7pm (Call/email for Nov. & Dec. meeting info.) | Jerry Hardy | 313-585-1641 | motownjerrylee@aol.com
Rochester | PCa Support Group (registration required. Call for more info) | Ascension Providence Rochester Hospital, Conference Room 2A - 1101 W University Dr. | 2nd Tues. 7pm | 248-652-5269
Traverse City | Us TOO Traverse City | Munson Community Center, Room A & B | Last Tuesday 6pm Jan-May, Aug. and Nov. no meetings (call for details) | Donna Hollister, RN | 231-935-0322 | dkhrn44@aol.com
Clouquet | Us TOO Lake Superior Chapter | Community Memorial Hospital, The Birch Room, Ground floor, near cafeteria - 512 Skyline Blvd. | 4th Monday Coffee at 5:00, meeting at 5:30 | Mike Sullivan | 218-384-3448 | mfs48@yahoo.com
Coon Rapids | Virginia Piper Cancer Center - 11850 Blackfoot Street NW, Suite 130 | 4th Tuesday 7-8:30 | 763-236-0808
Maplewood | M Health Fairview Cancer Care Center - 1575 Beam Avenue, 2nd Floor Nygaard Conference Room | 2nd Thursday 5-6:30pm (Except August) | Tammy at 651-232-7086 or Mary at 651-232-7833
Minneapolis | University of Minnesota Prostate Cancer Support Group | Center for Magnetic Resonance Research - 2021 6th St SE | 2nd Thursday 6-8pm | Steve Roecklein | 612-789-1072 | sroecklein@yahoo.com
Robbinsdale/Minneapolis | Us TOO | The Education Center next to the Hy-Vee in New Hope/Robbinsdale | 4th Wed. 5:30pm (no meeting July & Aug.) | Steve Roecklein | 612-789-1072 | sroecklein@yahoo.com
Rochester | Us Too Rochester Prostate Cancer Support Group | Mayo Medical Center, Baldwin Building, Room 1-507 - 221 4th Ave. SW | 2nd Wed 12-1:30pm | Richard Vetter, PhD | vetter.richard@mayo.edu
St. Cloud | Us TOO St. Cloud | Corner Stone Buffet - 101 7th St N, Sartell | 4th Tues 5:30pm | John Wolfe or Laura Wacker | 320-259-1411 | john.wolfe@centracare.com
Jackson | You Are Not Alone Prostate Cancer Support Self Help Group, Inc. | Greater Mount Calvary Baptist Church, Family Life Center - 1400 Robinson St. | 4th Thursday 6-7pm | Jerry Knight | 601-260-0516 | JerryKnight1954@gmail.com
Kansas City | The Prostate Network | Gilda's Club - 100 West 43rd Street | 3rd Wed. 6:30pm | Mike Mulcahy | 913-638-7781 | mikecmulcahy@hotmail.com
St. Louis | UsTOO Mercy Hospital | David C. Pratt Cancer Center - 607 S. New Ballas Road, Suite 1440 | 1st Thurs. 6:30pm (call to confirm) | Kathy Bumberry, RN BSN | 314-251-6400 | kathleen.bumberry@mercy.net
Bozeman | Prostate Connection Group | Cancer Support Community - 102 South 11th Avenue | 4th Wed. 6-7pm | Amber Reilly and Steve Wilcock | info@cancersupportmontana.org | 406-582-1600
Lincoln | Bryan Medical Center, Bryan West Campus - 2300 S. 16th St. | 2nd Thursday 7:30-8:30pm | 402-481-5400
Omaha | Us TOO PCa Support Group | CHI Henry Lynch Cancer Center on Creighton Bergen Campus - 7500 Mercy Rd Suite 1300 | 1st Tuesday 6-7pm (no meetings June, July, or Dec.) | Lori Simpson | 402-398-6267 | lori.simpson@alegent.org
Carson City | Us TOO Carson Prostate Cancer Support Group | Carson Tahoe Cancer Resource Center - 1535 Medical Pkwy | 2nd Thurs 7pm | Patrick Williams | 775-445-7500 | Pmerriner1@sbcglobal.net
Las Vegas | UsTOO | St. Rose Dominican Hospital | San Martin Campus - 8280 West Warm Spring Road | 3rd Wed. 7pm | Tony Crispino | 702-917-7779 | tcneclv@gmail.com
Pahrump | Us TOO Pahrump | Pahrump Desert View Hospital - 360 S Lola Lane | 702-379-3449 | twaters2015@gmail.com
Reno | Renown Health Men’s Prostate Cancer Support Group | Renown Regional Medical Center, Sierra Meeting Room 101 - 1155 Mill Street | 1st Monday 5:30-7pm | 775-982-7787
Concord | Prostate Cancer Coalition of New Hampshire (PCCNH) | Concord Hospital, Payson Cancer Care Center 1st Floor Hayes Conference room - 250 Pleasant Street | 2nd Wednesday 5-7pm (except August) | Judith Kowalik | 603-230-6033
Lebanon | PCCNH | Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Level 5A Conference Room - 1 Medical Center Drive | Last Monday 5:30-7 | 1-800-639-6918
Cape May | Us TOO Cape May County | Cape Regional Medical Center - 2 Stone Harbor Blvd. | 2nd Tuesday 7:30 | Donald Trappler | 609-465-0054 or 609-846-3086 | trappler@msn.com
Hackensack | Us TOO Hackensack | Hackensack University Medical Center, John Theurer Cancer Center UMC - 92 Second Street | 3rd Wed. 10am | Joe Cavalli or Bob Harvey | 201-288-8223 or 201-357-4030 | joendebcav@optonline.net
Hasbrouck Heights | The Prostate Networking Group | Hasbrouck Heights Library - 320 Boulevard | 1st Wed. 6:30pm | Joe Cavalli | 201-288-8223 | joendebcav@optonline.net
Long Branch | Us TOO Monmouth Medical Center | Monmouth Medical Center, Cancer Support Community Room - 300 2nd Ave. | 1st Thurs. 7-9pm | Bob Sherman | 732-688-8706 | BobSherm@aol.com
Montclair | Hackensack Meridian Health General Patient Support Group (Prostate Support Group on Hiatus as of 4/17/19 | Mountainside Medical Center, Harries Pavilion (Highland Ave entrance, across from parking garage) Take Harries elevator to the second floor and follow signs to the Cancer Center Conference Room - 1 Bay Ave. | 1st and 3rd Thursdays | 10:30am-11:45am (Caregiver support group on the second Tuesday 10:30-11:45) | Lynne Eisenbrand, MSW, LCSW | 973-429-6098
Mount Holly | Us TOO Prostate Cancer Support Group Mount Holly | Virtua Memorial Hospital Conference Rooms 1st Floor - 175 Madison Ave. | 3rd Tuesday 7pm | Tony Bonanno | 609-261-8169 | pcsgmtholly@gmail.com
Neptune | Us TOO | Midtown Community Elementary School, parking entrance, Atkins Ave & Corlies Ave, Route 33 | 3rd Thurs. 7pm (except Dec.) | Rich Guilfoyle | 732-493-3913 | rguilfoy@monmouth.edu
Paramus | Us TOO Paramus | Panera Bread - 770 Route 17 North | 3rd Friday 10-11:30am | Peter Garrone | 201-445-0856 | pgarrone@verizon.net
Toms River | Us TOO Community Medical Center | 1 Riverside Building No. 1 - 99 NJ-37 | 3rd Thurs 2pm | Larry Puccio | 732-349-2950 | Lpuccio071@gmail.com
Voorhees | Us TOO MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper | MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, Building #1, 2nd Floor Conference Room - 900 Centennial Blvd. | 2nd Tuesday of Feb, May, Sept., and Nov. 6-7:30 PM | Frank DelRossi CSW | 856-325-6779 | DelRossi-Francis@CooperHealth.edu
Albuquerque | Us TOO Prostate Cancer Support Association of NM | Bear Canyon Sr Center - 4645 Pitt St. NE | 1st & 3rd Sat 12:30-3pm | Lou Reimer | 505-254-7784 | pchelp@pcsanm.org
Las Cruces | Us TOO Southern New Mexico | Memorial Medical Center Conf Rm B - 2450 S Telshor Road | 4th Tues 6:30pm | Ron Childress | 602-312-9289 | childress98@comcast.net
Los Alamos | Location and time are variable, call for details. | Randy Morgan | 505-672-3486 or 505-709-7550
Brooklyn | UsTOO Maimonides Medical Center | Maimonides Medical Center - 6300 8th Avenue | Call for date and time | | Nella Khenkin | 718-765-2655 | nkhenkin@maimonidesmed.org
Buffalo | UsTOO Buffalo Metro Chapter | VA Med Center, 3rd Floor, Room 301 - 3495 Bailey Avenue | 1st Tues 7pm | Bill Krellner | 716-836-4761 | racer3232@verizon.net
Cheektowaga | Us TOO Cheektowaga Central | St Joseph’s Hospital, 1st Floor, Community Room - 2605 Harlem Road | 3rd Tuesday 7-9pm | Bob Rand | 716-675-3294 | rrand6@gmail.com
Lake Success | Us TOO Long Island | Monter Cancer Center - 450 Lakeville Road | 3rd Wed 4:30-6pm | Terri Likowski | 877-978-7866 | terril@ustoo.org
New York City | Us TOO New York | Weill Cornell Medicine, Main Entrance (East 69th & York Ave.), Room B307 - 1300 York Ave. | 3rd Thursday 6-8:30pm | Jack David Marcus or Steve Flax | 917-830-4357 | info@ustoonewyork.org
Port Jefferson | Us TOO Mather Hospital Chapter | Mather Hospital - 75 N Country Rd. | First Tuesday 7pm | Craig Schmidt | 631-846-4377 | littleone1037@optonline.net
Rochester | Us TOO Rochester, NY | Speigel Community Center — 35 Lincoln Avenue (Pittsford, NY) | 2nd Thurs. 4:00-6:00pm | Mark & Peg Richardson | 585-478-0897 | ustoorochesterny@gmail.com
Asheville | Us TOO WNC Support Group | First Baptist Church of Asheville - 5 Oak St. | First Tuesday 7pm | Eric Naimark | 828-419-4565 | WNCprostate@gmail.com
Brevard | Us TOO Cottingham PC Support Group Transylvania County | United Community Bank -10 Park Pl. W E | Renie Cottingham | 828-883-5846 | RenieCottingham@gmail.com
Charlotte | Us TOO Charlotte | Buddy Kemp Cancer Support Center - 242 Colonial Ave. | 2nd Monday 7-8:30pm | Marcia Lampert | 704-316-0018 | mlampert@novanthealth.org
Durham | Duke Prostate Cancer Patient Support Program | Duke Cancer Center, Level 0 Conference Room - | 4th Mon. 4-6pm | cancersupport@duke.edu | 919-684-4497
Greensboro | Us TOO Moses Cone Health System | Wesley Long Cancer Center, Main Door (Ask for PCa Support group) - 2400 Friendly Ave. | 3rd Mon 6-7pm | Robert Hamilton | 336-832-7950 | Robert.hamilton@conehealth.com
Raleigh | Us TOO Prostate Cancer Support Group of Wake County | Duke Raleigh Hospital Cancer Center - 3404 Wake Forest Road | 2nd Thursday 7pm | Phil Harris | 919-219-1640 | eph59@aol.com
Statesville | Prostate Cancer Support Group | Statesville Family YMCA — 828 Wesley Dr | 2nd Tuesday 9:30 AM | Thomas Sherrod | thomas.sherrod@gmail.com
Wilmington | Us TOO Wilmington PC Support Group | New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Ground Floor, Classroom Women and Children’s Center - 2131 S 17th St. | 1st Thursday 6pm | George Gardner | 910-599-6861 | ggar104641@aol.com
Bismarck | Cancer Support Group (General Cancer Support) | Bismarck Cancer Center - 500 N 8th St | 3rd Thursday 5:30pm | 701-222-6100 or 1-800-248-5511
Cincinnati (Blue Ash ) | Us Too Prostate Cancer Information Group | The Cancer Support Community - 4918 Cooper Rd. | 2nd & Last Wed 7-9pm | Jim Lyons | 859-801-6969 | cincinnattiprostate@gmail.com
Cleveland | Prostate Cancer Support Group (No meeting May, 2019) | Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center, Sandusky, Sycamore Meeting Room - 417 Quarry Lakes Dr. | 4th Monday 2-3pm | Lori Scott, LISW | 877-544-6222
Columbus | Us TOO OSU | Stephanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center - 1145 Olentangy River Rd. | 4th Wed 7-9pm | Patrick DiMeo BSN, RN, OCN | 614-293-4646 | patrick.dimeo@osumc.edu
Lancaster | Us TOO Fairfield County | Fairfield Medical Center Hospital Assembly Room #2, 2nd Floor - 401 N. Ewing St. | 2nd Monday 7-9pm (May-Oct.) | Bill Stevens, PhD, MBA | 740-503-0086 | drstevens@columbus.rr.com
Oklahoma City | Us TOO Oklahoma City Integris Cancer Institute | Stephenson Cancer Center Room 6012 - 800 NE 10th St. (Call for exact location) | 3rd Tuesday 6-7:30pm | Dane Libart | 405-595-7217 | zdanesz@yahoo.com
Ashland | Us TOO Rogue Valley | Ashland Community Hospital, Conference Room 1 - 280 Maple Street | 1st Tues. 6:30pm | Ted Clay | 541-482-6435 | tclay@ashlandhome.net
Florence | Us TOO Florence Evening Group | Presbyterian Church of the Siuslaw - 3996 Hwy 101 North | 2nd Tues. 5pm | Bob Horney | 541-997-6626 | maribob@oregonfast.net
Florence | Us TOO Florence Lunch Group | Ichiban Restaurant - 1179 Hwy 101 South | 3rd Tues. 12pm | Bob Horney | 541-997-6626 | maribob@oregonfast.net
Portland | Legacy Health Prostate Cancer Support Group | Good Samaritan Medical Center, Building 3, 2nd Floor, Room 219 - 1130 NW 22nd Ave - 2nd Wed. 5:30-7pm | Niani Dunner | 503-413-7284 | ndunner@lhs.org
Portland | Oregon Health and Science University Prostate Cancer Support Group | Center for Health & Healing, third-floor conference center - 3303 S.W. Bond Ave. | 1st Tues. 5-6:30pm | Peter Bennett | 503-418-3544 | bennetpe@ohsu.edu
Portland | Us TOO Portland Support Group | Compass Oncology Rose Quarter Cancer Center - 265 N Broadway | 3rd Monday 5:30-7pm | Michelle Vieira | 503-384-9952 | Michelle.Vieira@compassoncology.com
Salem | Us TOO Salem Prostate Cancer Support Group | Salem Hospital Ctr. for Outpatient Medicine, Building C, 1st Floor - 875 Oak Street | 3rd Tues. 7pm | Ed & Marcy Kuenzi | 503-364-9633 | eakuenzi@hotmail.com
Springfield | Us TOO We Know PCa Chapter | Oregon Urology Institute Radiation Center - 1457 G Street | 1st Wed. 5:30pm (social time & refreshments) 6pm (meeting begins) | Gina Aleshire | 541-736-2916 | gina@oregonurology.com
Dubois | Us TOO Dubois | Dubois Regional Medical Center - 100 Hospital Ave | 1st Monday 7-8:30pm | Bob Anthony | 814-715-0544 | usdb123@comcast.net
East Stroudsburg | Us TOO Pocono | Dale and Francis Hughes Cancer Center - 206 East Brown St. | 3rd Thursday 7-9 pm | Aalih Hussein | 570-422-1851 | Aalih.hussein@lvhn.org
Langhorne | Us TOO St. Mary Medical Center | St. Mary Medical Center - 1201 Langhorne Newtown Rd. | 2nd Tuesday 6:30-8pm (Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.) | Larry Waldman | 215-968-1594 | wrunner86@aol.com
Penn Hills | Us TOO Terah Brown Chapter | Zion Lutheran Church - 11609 Frankstown Rd. | 1st Thursday 7pm | Bob Bowyer | 412-877-6053 | bkbowyer@gmail.com
Philadelphia | Prostate Cancer Support Group - Temple Health | Fox Chase Cancer Center Urology Clinic, 3rd Floor Conference Room - 8 Huntingdon Pike | 2nd Thursday 6:30-7:45 | Holly Riggs | 215-728-2936 or 215-728-1111 (Urology Office)
Pittsburgh | Prostate Cancer Support Group (Pre-Registration Required -- Please Call)| Our Clubhouse - 2816 Smallman St. | First Tuesday 6:30-8pm | 412-338-1919
Greenville, Easley, Pickens | Us TOO Harvey Floyd Chapter | Fellowship Greenville Church - 3161 S HWY 14, Greenville | 1st Mon 7pm (Except June, July, Aug.) | Johnny Payne | 864-616-0923 or 864-630-0362 (Bob Cardone) | Johnnyrpayne@charter.net
Myrtle Beach | Us TOO Strand Prostate Cancer Support Group | Health Finders Coastal Grand Mall (off bypass 17 between Rt. 501 & road to airport) adjacent to Dillards - 2000 Coastal Grand Cir # 520 | 2nd Wed. 6-7:30pm | Steve Miller | 843-230-2643 | stevemillercg@yahoo.com
Seneca, Wahalla | Us TOO Golden Corner Chapter | Oconee Memorial Hospital, Board Room - 298 Memorial Dr, Seneca | 4th Friday 3:30-5pm (No Dec. meeting, call for November date) | Roger Dilling | 864-539-5051 | rodilling@mindspring.com
Spartanburg | Us TOO Gibbs Regional Cancer Center Auditorium | 101 East Wood St | 3rd Thursday 7pm (Except June, July, Aug.) | Joe Dickey | 864-574-3771 | jdickey2@charter.net
Germantown/Memphis | Us TOO Man2Man Support Group | West Cancer Center, 3rd Floor - 7945 Wolf River Blvd. | 3rd Thursday 6-7:30pm | Clarence Williamson | 901-413-3842 | man2mangroup@att.net
Knoxville | Tennova Turkey Creek Medical Center, Women’s Pavilion Door, Classroom 1 - 10820 Parkside Dr. | Last Thursday 6:30 | Sylvia W. or Sarah K. | 865-690-0602 ext. 1130 or 865-690-0602 ext. 2115
Nashville | Prostate Cancer Coalition of Tennessee Support Group | Goodwill Training Center - 937 Herman St. | 3rd Thursday 6:30pm | Ira Baxter | 615-330-9684
Austin | Us TOO Mike Jones Memorial Chapter | St. David’s South Austin Medical Center, Doctor’s Conference Room (1st floor by cafeteria) - 901 West Ben White Blvd | 1st Tues. 7pm | Bob Wright | 956-457-9378 | rawthi@hotmail.com
Dallas | Us TOO Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas | Texas Health Presbyterian, Beasley Auditorium - 8200 Walnut Hill Lane | 2nd Tues. 6 - 8pm | Angela Clark | 214-345-5030 | aclark@urologyfoundation.org
Georgetown | Us TOO Prostate Cancer Support Group, Williamson Co. | Scott & White Hospital Clinic - 4945 Williams Drive | 2nd Thurs. 3pm | John Fenoglio | 512-415-6801 | fenoglio38@gmail.com
Houston | Tex Us TOO | St. Luke Methodist Church - 3471 Westheimer Rd. | 2nd Mon. 7pm (No meeting, Aug.) | Dean Smith | Hotline: (713) 623-4772 | email: texustoo@gmail.com
Jourdanton | Us TOO South Texas Regional Medical Center | 1222 W Oaklawn Rd, Pleasanton | 1st Thursday 7-8:30pm | John Staha | 830-570-7012 (call for meeting details) or 830-569-5516 | johnnystaha@yahoo.com
Plano | Us TOO TH Presbyterian - Plano | Texas Health Presbyterian - 6200 W. Parker Road | 1st Tues. 6:30 - 8pm (Call Tom Dillon if it will be your first time attending. Food welcome) | Tom Dillon | 972-998-5221
San Antonio | Us TOO San Antonio West | True Vine Baptist Church - 435 S. Ellison Dr. | 2nd Monday 6pm | Joseph Harrison Jr. Ph.D | 210-393-4212 | Joseph.ustoo@gmail.com
San Antonio | Us TOO Alamo Chapter | Ecum. Ctr For Religion & Health - 8310 Ewing Halsell | 1st Mon. 5:30pm | Johnny Staha | 830-570-7012 | johnnystaha@yahoo.com
San Antonio | Us TOO Military Prostate Cancer Support Group | Brooke Army Medical Center, Pediatric Conference Room #TN 122, 1st Floor Pediatric Hall - 3551 Roger Brooke Drive | 1st Tues. 5:30pm | Janet Schadee, RN MHA | 210-916-1640 | janet.s.schadee.civ@mail.mil
Sherman | Us TOO Texoma | Texoma Medical Center - 5016 N Hwy 75, Denison | 2nd Tuesday 7-8 PM | Don Riedl | 903-815-4999 | donandbarbara@cableone.net
Salt Lake City | Us TOO Utah Prostate Cancer Support Group| Sorenson Unity Center - 1383 South 900 West | 1st Wed. 6:30pm | David Dodd and Clayton Rand | 801-560-2542 (David) or 801-897-8911 (Clayton) | davidh.dodd@gmail.com or Rand.claytonrand@gmail.com
Bennington | Us TOO Bennington Support Group | Southwestern Vermont Medical Center Cancer Center Library - 140 Hospital Dr #116 | 2nd Tuesday (Call Tom Cole for time) | Tom Cole | 518-692-9079 | colebradley@verizon.net
Burlington | Us TOO Champlain Valley Prostate Cancer Support Group | Hope Lodge - 237 East Ave. | 2nd Tuesday 6-8pm | Mary Guyette, RN, MS | 802-274-4990 | vmary@aol.com
Arlington | Prostate Cancer Support Group | Virginia Hospital Center, Cancer Resource Center Library - 1701 N. George Mason Dr. | 4th Tues. 7-8:30pm | Shari Sitron, LICSW, MPH and Pat La Pella | 703-558-6913 | ssitron@virginiahospitalcenter.com (Shari) and plptba@aol.com (Pat)
Fairfax | Inova Alexandria Us TOO | Inova Alexandria Hospital Life with Cancer Office, Suite 1.NE.5.4, Located behind gift shop - 4320 Seminary Road | 3rd Thurs. 6pm | David McGinness | 703-504-3083 | david.mcginness@inova.org
Fairfax/Falls Church | Us TOO Fairfax/Falls Church | Life with Cancer Family Center - 8411 Pennell Street | 2nd Tues. 7:30pm (no meeting Aug.) | Steve Haracznak | 703-281-1961 | steveh8pit@aol.com
Norfolk | Us TOO Norfolk | Sentara Heart Hospital 1st Floor Conference Room - 600 Gresham Dr. | 3rd Tuesday 7pm | Angela Duke | 757-388-2062 | aaduke@sentara.com
Reston | The Urology Group Prostate Cancer Education and Support | Reston Hospital Center, Pavillion II, 2nd Floor, Rooms A & B (use parking garage across from Pavillion II) - 1850 Town Center Dr. | 2nd Monday 7-9pm | Rhonda Golman | rlgolman@urologycancersupport.com
Richmond | Us TOO Richmond | Ridge Baptist Church - 1515 EastRidge Road | 3rd Thursday 7pm (except July, Dec. Call for details) | Peter Moon | 804-346-4407 | pcmoon@vcu.edu
Sterling | Us TOO Loudoun | Senior Center - 21060 Whitfield Place | 2nd Tues. 6pm | Joel Blanchette | joelblanchette@comcast.net | 202-746-3045
Warrenton | Us TOO Blue Crew Fauquier Health | Fauquier Hospital, Chestnut Room - 500 Hospital Drive | 2nd Wednesday 5pm | Jennifer McEachin | 540-316-2273 | jennifer.mceach@fauquierhealth.org
Centralia | Us TOO Southwest Washington PCa Support Group | Providence Centralia Hospital - 914 South Scheuber Road | 4th Thurs. 7pm | Arnie Guenther | 360-388-6271 | arnieguenther@gmail.com
Enumclaw | Us TOO Plateau Prostate Cancer Support Group | St. Elizabeth Hospital - 1455 Battersby Avenue | 2nd Thursday 6:30-8pm | Mike Gordon | 907-371-6448 | plateaupcsg@gmail.com
Friday Harbor | Us TOO Friday Harbor | Mullis Community Senior Center - 589 Nash Street | 4th Tues. 6pm | Mike Hamlette | 360-378-5597 | mhamlette@rockisland.com
Kennewick | Us TOO Kennewick/Tri-Cities | Northwest Cancer Clinic - 7379 W Deschutes Ave. #106 | 1st Tuesday 4pm | Dr. Ferris | 509-987-1800 | sferrismd@yahoo.com
Olympia | Us TOO Olympia Prostate Cancer Support Group | Providence St. Peter Hospital - 413 Lily Road Northeast | 3rd Tues. 7pm | James Kiefert | 360-438-3644 | jimkiefert@aol.com
Seattle | Us TOO in Seattle | Greenwood Senior Center - 525 N 85th St. | 4th Wednesday 6-8pm, 3rd Wednesday 6-8pm (July, Nov., and Dec.) | Marty Chakoian | 206-412-0571 | marty@chakoian.com
Seattle | Us TOO Seattle - Greater East Side | Rockwell Institute - 13218 NE 20th St, Bellevue | 3rd Monday 7-9 pm (Except Aug. and Dec.) | Richard Swanson and Kurt Howeler | 425-369-2552 or 425-885-2168 | swandds@comcast.net
Tacoma | Us TOO Tacoma PC Support Group | University Place Presbyterian Church - 8101 27th Street West | 4th Tue. 6-8pm (no meeting Dec.) | Bob Freeborn | 253-566-1651 | raf0444@comcast.net
Yakima | Us TOO Yakima Valley Prostate Cancer Chapter | Harman Center - 101 North 65th Avenue | 2nd Wed. 11am | Beverly Davison | 509-965-0436 | bevdav64@msn.com
D.C. | Caregivers Support Group - General Cancer | George Washington University Hospital - 2150 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest | 3rd Tues. 12:30pm | Alicia Gray | 202-741-2582
D.C. | Equipment - Gay Men’s Prostate Cancer Support Group | Smith Center for Healing and the Arts - 1632 U Street, NW | 4th Thursday 7-8:30pm | Kevin Miller | 202-483-8600
D.C. | Men’s Health Awareness Clubs (MHACs) Howard Cancer Center | Howard Cancer Center, behind Howard University Hospital, Room 201 - 2041 Georgia Ave. NW | 2nd Wed. 5:30-7:30pm | Clinton Burnside | 202-865-4653 | Clinton.burnside@Howard.edu
D.C. | Prostate Cancer Support Group - Men Only | George Washington University Hospital - 2150 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest | 2nd Tues. 6pm | Alicia Gray | 202-741-2582
Martinsburg | City Hospital - Dorothy McCormick Cancer Center - 2500 Hospital Dr. | 2nd Thursday 6:30 | Paul Kradel | 304-267-2520
Milwaukee | Us TOO Prostate Cancer Support Group | Froedtert Hospital Cancer Center - 8800 W Doyne Ave., 3rd Floor Conference Room M | 1st Thursday 5:30-7 (Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.) | Laura Balsiger | 414-805-5803 | laura.balsiger@froedtert.com
Neenah | Us TOO Fox Cities | Neenah Fire Station #31 - 1080 Breezewood Lane | 3rd Tuesday 6-7:30pm | Lee Hillstrom | 920-722-0774 | ustoofoxcities@gmail.com
Racine | Us TOO Southeastern Wisconsin | All Saints Healthcare Org. - 3809 Spring St. | 3rd Thursday 5:30-7pm | Karrie Peterson | 262-687-5024 | Karrie.Petersen@ascension.org
Sheboygan | Us TOO Sheboygan County | Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic - 1222 N 23rd St (Call to get on mailing list or for scheduled meeting changes) | 3rd Wed 6:30-8pm (Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov.) | Wayne Zimmerman | 920-457-6800 | wwzimmer@gmail.com
Stevens Point | Us TOO of Stevens Point | Klasinski Medical Complex - 500 Vincent St. | 2nd Wed. (Call for times) | Michelle Radke | 715-295-9942 | mradke@theurologyclinic.org
Wauwatosa | Us TOO Wauwatosa | Ascension SE Wisconsin - 201 N Mayfair Rd., 5th Floor Conference Room | 4th Tuesday 5:30-7pm | Leanne Walz | 414-256-1955 | leanne.walz@ascension.org
West Allis | Us TOO Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic | New Berlin Health Center - 14555 West National Ave. | 1st Wed 7-8:30pm (except July) | Lora 414-328-6491 | lora.biddle@aurora.org
Weston | Us TOO Weston Group | First Floor Conf. Room, Near Oncology | 1st Thursday 5-7pm | Cheryl Vircks, RN | 715-393-1405 | Vircks.cheryl@marshfieldclinic.org
Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia | enquiries@pcfa.org.au
Calgary | PROSTAID Calgary | Kerby Centre for the 55+ | 1133 7 Ave SW | 2nd Tues. 5pm | Kelly Fedorowich | executive.director@pccncalgary.org
Canadian Prostate Cancer Network | (866) 810-CPCN (2726) | www.cpcn.org
Smart Patients prostate cancer community
PCRI is proud to partner with Smart Patients, an online community for patients and families affected by prostate cancer. By signing up, you can learn at your own level about scientific developments related to prostate cancer, share your questions and concerns with other members, and use what you learn in the context of your own life.
We’re happy to help connect prostate cancer patients, survivors and their families with Smart Patients! Click here.
Answer Cancer Foundation Virtual Support Group
Answer Cancer Foundation and its partner The Reluctant Brotherhood are virtual real time audio/visual peer-to-peer support groups, certainly for prostate cancer and maybe for any condition. Calls can be accessed online via your desk or laptop computer, mobile device or by telephone. These virtual support group meetings are currently conducted on the GoToMeeting platform; to learn how to join, click here.
Cancer ABCs Support Groups
A new non-profit organization dedicated to helping people diagnosed with cancer, including multiple cancers and rare cancers.
UsTOO New York and Cancer ABCs face to face |2nd Thursday of the month | Online/Telephone
Cancer ABCs with Malecare face to face | 4th Thursday of the month | Online/Telephone
Malecare, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. In 1998, they became the world’s first cancer survivor organization to focus on gay and bisexual men’s survivorship.