Video: Overview of Relapsed Prostate Cancer (Indigo Stage)

In today’s video we’re going to cover relapsed prostate cancer. We call it the Indigo stage of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is an incredibly broad topic and Indigo as a subtype is also a very broad topic. So Indigo gets broken into three subtypes: Low, Basic, and High. We are going to post some questions on the screen that you can answer to determine which of those subtypes you reside within.

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Video: Preventing Osteoporosis While on Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer

In this video we’re going to cover a common side effect of hormonal blockade (otherwise known as androgen deprivation or testosterone blockade). Men with low testosterone levels from therapy develop accelerated calcium loss from their bones. The consequences are something called Osteoporosis. When is progresses to a certain point men can develop unexpected fractures.

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Video: Reducing Side Effects of Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Hi, I’m Dr. Scholz, let’s talk about prostate cancer.

In today’s video we’re going to cover how to reduce the side effects of hormonal therapy when it’s used for the treatment of prostate cancer. Hormonal therapy has a variety of different names: Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT for short), Testosterone Inactivating Pharmaceuticals (TIP for short. Hormonal blockade comes in various forms and various intensities. I’m not going to try…

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Video: Unorthodox Treatments for High-Risk Prostate Cancer

In this video we’re going to cover unorthodox treatments for High-Azure. That’s the high-grade type of prostate cancer—men that have been recently diagnosed, but have higher Gleason scores, have possibly lymph node spread in the pelvic region. These are situations that are

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Video: Understanding Treatment for High-Risk Prostate Cancer

We always talk about stages of prostate cancer because the whole topic of prostate cancer is so vast that you gotta break it down into categories. The Azure category is actually a relatively small segment of prostate cancer which varies from harmless to people that have cancer that has spread or metastasized. Azure means someone that is newly diagnosed, but it appears that the disease is

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Video: How Does Prostate Cancer Work?

Hi, I’m Dr. Scholz, I’m a medical oncologist who specializes in prostate cancer. At the PCRI we get questions from a variety of sources, and one common recurring theme is “How does prostate cancer work?” And I think that’s a fair question. It’s a mystery to many people. How does it cause illness? Where does it come from?

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U.S. FDA accepts New Drug Application and grants Priority Review for darolutamide

Whippany, N.J., April 29, 2019 – Bayer today announced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted the New Drug Application (NDA) and granted Priority Review to darolutamide for the treatment of non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC). The NDA and Priority Review status were based on data from the Phase III ARAMIS trial in men with nmCRPC (1). Darolutamide is an investigational, nonsteroidal androgen receptor (AR) antagonist with a distinct chemical structure that binds to the receptor, inhibiting the growth of prostate cancer cells.

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Video: What is the Best Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer?

Hi, I’m Dr. Scholz. I’m a medical oncologist specializing exclusively in prostate cancer and a common question I get is, “Is one type of hormone therapy better than another?”

The answer would be—actually—yes, but it depends on your situation.

In men that have relatively mild situations with their prostate cancer or perhaps if they’re elderly a medicine called Casodex—an anti-androgen—has a lot fewer…

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Video: What are the Common Signs of Prostate Cancer?

Basically, prostate cancer doesn’t cause any symptoms at all unless the disease is very advanced, and you can prevent coming down with advanced prostate cancer simply by checking PSA on an annual basis. PSA screening is considered standard for…

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