Video: What are the Common Signs of Prostate Cancer?


Hi, I’m Dr. Mark Scholz. I work as a medical oncologist specializing exclusively in the treatment of prostate cancer.

A common question that we encounter here at the PCRI is “What are the common signs of prostate cancer?”

Basically, prostate cancer doesn’t cause any symptoms at all unless the disease is very advanced, and you can prevent coming down with advanced prostate cancer simply by checking PSA on an annual basis. PSA screening is considered standard for men who are 40-45 or higher. So the symptoms that people talk about if there are indeed symptoms like urinary frequency or painful urination or discomfort in the pelvic region are going to be related to benign causes such as prostatitis, irritable bladder as men age, an enlarged prostate--other factors that have nothing to do with cancer.

The point is, be reassured symptoms down in that area don’t come from prostate cancer. Just make sure you’re checking your PSA once a year, and of course if its elevated look into it further.


Video: What is the Best Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer?


Video: Treatment for Low and Basic Azure (High-Risk) Prostate Cancer