Making the Most of Regret: Lessons From Patients

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men. Most men in the United States are diagnosed with relatively early-stage disease. They face a difficult task sorting through the ar-ray of different treatment options to find the one treatment that fits best. 
There is no shortfall of educational resources for patients.

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2016 Prostate Cancer Conference Highlights

Through Q+A, we ensure that the information the doctors present is relevant, unbiased, applicable, and accessible to those without medical degrees. The keynote presentations are followed by Q+A with Conference Moderator, Mark Moyad, MD, and after that, by a smaller Q+A session where patient questions are answered directly by the speaker.  

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Donate to PCRI with Mark Moyad, MD

Please Please (two “pleases” for emphasis) Consider Giving A Donation To PCRI This Year (AKA “Now please”) Because I Said So, And It Would Also Hurt My Feelings If You Did Not Donate Because I Am An Extremely Sensitive XY Chromosome (aka “man”). 

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Finding My Voice to Speak Up About Prostate Cancer

Ken Griffey Sr. is a three-time baseball all-star, a prostate cancer survivor, and a spokesperson for Bayer’s Men Who Speak Up program, which encourages men with advanced prostate cancer to know the symptoms of progressing disease and offers resources to help them feel more comfortable speaking up about it. Mr. Griffey, who is conducting a nationwide Men Who Speak Up tour with his son, Hall-of-Famer Ken Griffey Jr., will be a guest speaker at the 2016 Prostate Cancer Conference on September 10.

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2016 Mid-Year Appeal Letter

Patients and their families are rarely prepared to handle the stress and uncertainty that comes with the diagnosis of prostate cancer or a recurrence. They feel pressured to choose the first treatment recommended and often never hear all their treatment options.  

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Testosterone Levels Are Significant | An Interview with Dr. Laurence Klotz by Prostatepedia

In this blog PCRI presents an interview from our contributing partner, Prostatepedia. 

Prostatepedia spoke at length with Dr. Laurence Klotz about why testosterone levels are significant in prostate cancer. Dr. Laurence Klotz is an esteemed Urological Oncologist from the University of Toronto. He is one of the driving forces behind the development of active surveillance as a viable approach for men with slow-growing, non-aggressive prostate cancer. Here is the interview:

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Adjuvant Hormone Blockade (HB) after Surgery for Men with Aggressive Disease

The term "adjuvant" means treatment “added to” the primary or initial treatment. When the primary treatment is surgery, even when all detectable disease is removed, there remains a statistical risk that the cancer will return due to microscopic cancer cells left behind. Men with high-risk features such as extra-prostatic extension or high Gleason score face a higher risk of recurrence.

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