2016 Mid-Year Appeal Letter

Ryan O'Neal

From Ryan O'Neal

Dear PCRI Supporter, 

When you or a loved one is diagnosed with prostate cancer, the Prostate Cancer Research Institute can provide empowerment, emotional support, and educational information. Thousands of men are in desperate need of information they can trust. Your donation enables PCRI to continue its outreach impacting the lives of patients and caregivers facing this disease.

For 20 years, the PCRI’s Helpline, patient conferences, website, and newsletters have provided emotional support and state-of-the-art information for patients and caregivers. The PCRI’s patient-centered outreach empowers patients to achieve better communication with their doctors leading to better healthcare decisions.  

Patients and their families are rarely prepared to handle the stress and uncertainty that comes with the diagnosis of prostate cancer or a recurrence. They feel pressured to choose the first treatment recommended and often never hear all their treatment options.  

The PCRI bridges educational gaps, gives support, and provides a compassionate and listening ear. All of this is made possible by support from caring people like you. Please send a generous donation to the PCRI and help fight the battle against prostate cancer. 


Ryan O’Neal


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Click here or call 310-743-2116

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