Donate to PCRI with Mark Moyad, MD

Please Please (2 pleases for emphasis) Consider Giving A Donation To PCRI

This Year (AKA “Now please”) Because I Said So And It Would Also Hurt My Feelings If You Did Not Donate Because I Am An Extremely Sensitive XY Chromosome (aka “man”).

Look, let’s be serious for just one second.  You have to send a donation to PCRI this year, which of course is tax deductible!  Why?  Because PCRI continues to be one of the most influential groups in the world in terms of prostate cancer advocacy, education, and even research.  However, the real reason you should donate to PCRI this year, whether it is a dollar or a million dollars, is because of what you are not seeing behind the scenes - what I see. So let me give you a peek for just a moment (sounds dirty, but this is clean). The team at PCRI are some of the most wonderful and dedicated individuals to the cause I have ever met in my 25+ years of working in medicine.  

They have a love of patients, Helpline, annual PCRI conferences, newsletters, videos, state-of-the-art education, etc. like I have never witnessed.  And, they come from all ages and backgrounds.  This kind of environment and dedication needs to be rewarded or validated by dollars to allow them to continue to bring you the latest, greatest, and most rapid and innovative information, to make sure that every person dealing with cancer has everything they need to fight this disease with everything that is out there!  

Plain and simple, I hear weekly about how great the conference, newsletter, and personalized help center...and all the things at PCRI are! But it is because of YOU and the donations that have allowed them to have the resources to make this an organization that is second to nothing!  Please keep that in mind and please give now!  Thanks so much and see you in March for the next conference!  

Lots of Love and Massive Bear Hugs,

Dr. Mark “I hope you are writing a check to PCRI right now” Moyad.

Mark A. Moyad, MD, MPH, currently occupies an endowed position created and funded entirely by the patients he has helped over the past 20+ years.  He is the Jenkins/Pokempner Director of Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the University of Michigan Medical Center-Department of Urology.  Mark received his medical education from the University of South Florida College of Public Health and the Wayne State University School of Medicine.


2016 Prostate Cancer Conference Highlights
