Royal PCRI Royal PCRI

Overview of Royal - Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Royal is defined as the presence of metastases located outside the pelvic lymph nodes or the development of resistance to one of the Lupron-like drugs. Royal is the most life threatening of all the Stages and requires aggressive treatment. The goal is to...

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Royal PCRI Royal PCRI

Early Hormonal Resistance | Royal

Low-Royal occurs when a man who is Indigo develops a rising PSA while taking a Lupron-like drug, and the restaging body and bone scans are clear. Despite the clear scans, Lupron-resistance is a reliable sign that cancer growth rate is...

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Royal PCRI Royal PCRI

Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer : Basic Royal

Rapid improvements in medical technology are forcing us to rethink our traditional approach to early metastatic prostate cancer. The scans are improved; the therapies are more effective and have fewer side effects, and our understanding of...

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Royal PCRI Royal PCRI

Treatments For High Royal

Metastases originate from the prostate and spread to another part of the body, most commonly the lymph nodes and bones, and less often to the liver or lungs. Early metastases are usually without symptoms. When cancer becomes widespread, a “whole-body” treatment plan with systemic therapy is necessary. The backbone of...

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Royal PCRI Royal PCRI

Cancer Research : Striving To Live Longer and Better

Clinical trials, research trials, and studies all refer to the process that investigates the effectiveness of a new drug, type of therapy, or combination of drugs. There are 3 main phases of an investigational treatment along the road to FDA approval. Phase I trials are small, and 100 percent of the patients receive the...

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Royal PCRI Royal PCRI

Genetic Testing To Guide Therapy

Uncontrolled cancer cell growth results from misbehaving genes. An intriguing approach to cancer therapy is to specifically identify the mutated genes. After identification, in some cases a treatment to counteract the damaging effects of that gene may have...

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Royal PCRI Royal PCRI

Pain Management In Prostate Cancer

Pain can occur for a variety of reasons, many of which may be unrelated to cancer. Therefore, the cause of the pain needs to be accurately diagnosed to ensure that optimal treatment is selected. Generally, the situation should be analyzed with a five-step process...

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