On Stress: Thoughts from Mark & Mia Moyad
Yes, the PCRI Conference is a community or a village of people coming together to share the latest thoughts and ideas on how to deal with prostate cancer. And this, my friends, provides the ultimate calming effect; not only meeting others like you but also empowering each other with more knowledge and friendships and ultimately more solutions and peace of mind.
Maintaining Your Medical Records. Options for Saving, Carrying and Sharing, Your Files
Obtaining and maintaining copies of your medical information is an important part of understanding your cancer and your treatment options. It’s also a critical part of “new patient appointments” with physicians, ensuring you are equipped for emergencies and asking your doctor(s) the right questions in context of your individual biology.
When your partner is diagnosed with prostate cancer you will undoubtedly experience a tidal wave of emotions, including the devastating fear that he might die. At the same time as you are trying to get a hold on your own fears, you also want to support and reassure your partner—who is struggling with the same shock and fear. It’s a tough act to balance, and it’s only too easy to repress or ignore your own feelings and needs.
How to Find the Right Specialist
Choosing the right specialist is a decision that will have a significant effect the rest of your life. So I repeat, take your time. And make sure that the doctor you choose gives you confidence that the treatment he recommends will be successful.
Romancing the Immune System
As I understand it, the immune system is the body’s equivalent of the Department of Homeland Security. Its primary task is to provide constant surveillance and, when necessary, seek out “terrorists”—defective and cancerous cells—and destroy them. However, when immune surveillance breaks down or is compromised, it is usually as a result of environment pollutants, poor diet, lack of exercise, and an array of emotional suppressors.