Bone Metastases and Prostate Cancer | An Interview with Dr. E. David Crawford by Prostatepedia
In this blog PCRI presents an interview from our contributing partner, Prostatepedia.
Prostatepedia spoke with Dr. E. David Crawford at length about bone metastases in prostate cancer. Here is the interview:
Helpline Corner: Bob Each, My Story
Bob Each shares the inspiring story of his prostate cancer journey and some practical ideas about living with the disease.
Understanding Your Bone Scan and Other Bone Imaging
Without an understanding of your medical records, you are likely to research the term “prostate cancer” alone, which can lead to a bottomless well of impersonal information. With some understanding of your records, you will learn to research prostate cancer in context of your own biology – your own pathology, PSA pattern, imaging results, and prostate size, to name a few factors.