Combination Therapy For Teal
The treatment recommended depends upon which subtype of Intermediate Risk a patient’s cancer falls into. For example, in patients with Favorable Intermediate-Risk prostate cancer, permanent seed implants alone are preferred. On the other hand, the Unfavorable IntermediateRisk subtype tends to behave more like High-Risk. In these men…
Sexual Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a risk with every type of treatment for prostate cancer, but the exact risk is very specific to each patient. The better a man’s erections are before prostate cancer treatment, the better chance he has of preserving function. However…
Color Doppler Ultrasound and Targeted Biopsy | Teal
This article will discuss an alternative type of imaging, called color Doppler ultrasound (CDU). Unfortunately, CDU followed by targeted biopsy is available in only a few centers around the United States. Even so, this article will expound the many advantages of CDU for the diagnosis and staging of prostate cancer...