Interpreting the Pathology Report and Gleason Score | Sky
The two major components of the pathology report from a random 12-core biopsy are the Gleason score, which measures how aggressive the tumor appears, and the quantity of cancer, i.e., the extent of disease detected by the 12-core specimen…
Introduction To Treatments | Sky
Once the proper Stage of Blue is assigned (Chapter 1), the different treatments appropriate for that Stage can be considered and compared. In the prostate cancer treatment realm, decisions are usually based on comparisons amongst several alternatives. In the most general sense, there are four main types of treatment: observation, local treatments, systemic treatments, and combination therapy…
Focal Cryosurgery
It is estimated that as many as a third of newly diagnosed men have only one spot of cancer in their prostate. These patients may be candidates for focal treatment. Focal therapy is defined as the destruction of a section of the prostate gland rather than treating the whole prostate. The known tumor site is treated, but the other lobe and surrounding structures are spared, improving the odds that sexual potency and urinary continence will be preserved…
Sexual Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a risk with every type of treatment for prostate cancer, but the exact risk is very specific to each patient. The better a man’s erections are before prostate cancer treatment, the better chance he has of preserving function…
Health Issues For Men With Prostate Cancer
The post-treatment surveillance policy for men who have undergone an attempt at curative surgery or radiation is to check PSA quarterly for the first two years, biannually for the next three, and annually thereafter. For radiation patients, a yearly digital rectal examination is also recommended. After treatment …