Video: The Sky (Newly Diagnosed) Stage
The Sky stage of prostate cancer means a PSA less than 10, a Gleason under 7, and no large tumor masses detected on digital rectal or on MRI. But we call Sky cancer. Interestingly, is it actually a cancer?
I’ve taken fish oil supplements – omega-3s – for years now and as the second most popular supplement in a 2017 survey, it’s clear I’m not alone. Since 2012, though, some negative study results have caused omega-3s to lose some of their luster, particularly as a supplement to improve…
Video: The Five Stages of Prostate Cancer
Today we're going to talk about the five stages of prostate cancer. The PCRI has developed a system for patients. Prostate cancer is very complex. Who has time to study the full range of all the information associated with prostate cancer?
Video: Body Scans for Prostate Cancer
Today we're going to talk about body scans for staging and monitoring prostate cancer. One of the most important things, when treating any kind of cancer, including prostate cancer, is whether or not the disease has metastasized.
Gadolinium Contrast Agent & The New FDA Warning
In 2017 the FDA has placed a warning on gadolinium contrast agents commonly used for MRI and wants more research on which agents remain in the body and any short and long-term safety information on these things. In the meantime, it would be smart to look at the chart provided by the FDA (see below) to see which ones appear to be safer…
Testosterone After Prostate Cancer Treatment
Dr. Mark Moyad & Dr. Stephen Auerbach talk about taking testosterone after prostate cancer treatment.
Video: Understanding Your Medical Records
PCRI Executive Director, Mark Scholz, MD, helps you understand your prostate cancer medical records.
Sexual Dysfunction Rehab & Supplements After Treatment
Dr. Mark Moyad & Dr. Stephen Auerbach discuss sexual dysfunction rehab and how supplements can help.
PSMA | Prostate Cancer Theranostics
The mainstays of diagnostic investigations for prostate cancer for many decades have been physical examination, blood tests for PSA levels, and biopsy. Imaging investigations, mainly CT, bone scan, specialized MRI techniques, and the recently developed PSMA theranostic imaging, give additional…
Agent Orange & Prostate Cancer
Agent Orange was used during the Vietnam War in an herbicidal warfare program known as Operation Ranch Hand. The United States military sprayed Agent Orange in the jungles of Vietnam and the Korean demilitarized zone to remove