Why Big Prostates Are Good
Whenever the prostate gets mentioned, excess enlargement is frequently mentioned, as if increased size is the root of all evils. So what follows may surprise you: Having a big prostate can be desirable. For example...
Self-Care for Prostate Cancer (Part 1)
PCRI is committed to giving you the most up-to-date information and connecting you with professional support to fight prostate cancer. The PCRI process of education leading to empowered decision-making rests on the foundation of the contemporary “Patient-Centric Healthcare” (1). One critical aspect of this is simply called “Self-Care” (2).
Food for Thought
As a prostate cancer survivor, my husband has been a believer in diet, exercise, and quality lifestyle choices. As our busy lives take us off-course at times, we continue to look for inspiration and strive to be our best support to one another. We have been on an adventure since his diagnosis, and are healthier because of it.
First Impressions Can Really Harm You
After interviewing thousands of newly-diagnosed prostate cancer patients, I have found that the first impressions of most patients about prostate cancer are almost always wrong. Why? There are several reasons.
How to Find the Right Specialist
Choosing the right specialist is a decision that will have a significant effect the rest of your life. So I repeat, take your time. And make sure that the doctor you choose gives you confidence that the treatment he recommends will be successful.
The Big Shift: “Eating to Live”
For many men, a diagnosis of prostate cancer is a wake-up call to make lifestyle and dietary changes. If you have been diagnosed with the Low-Risk and even Intermediate-Risk form of the disease, and you have decided to delay radical treatment, it is particularly important to follow a diet known to inhibit cancer growth.
Romancing the Immune System
As I understand it, the immune system is the body’s equivalent of the Department of Homeland Security. Its primary task is to provide constant surveillance and, when necessary, seek out “terrorists”—defective and cancerous cells—and destroy them. However, when immune surveillance breaks down or is compromised, it is usually as a result of environment pollutants, poor diet, lack of exercise, and an array of emotional suppressors.