Sexual Recovery after Prostate Cancer: 9 Tips from a Sex Therapist
If you or your partner have experienced prostate cancer, you might have questions and concerns about sexual recovery and rebuilding your sex life. This article will help identify things you can do now, wherever you are in your recovery, to start to create a sex life you want. With prostate cancer, as with many things in life, there are the physical realities of the situation, and there are options for dealing with those realities. How we deal with the realities influences how they affect our lives. Try to adopt the mindset that you will do your best to create what you want sexually, within the boundaries of what’s physically possible.
Erections Lasting 4 Hours and Other Emergencies
Since prostate cancer is predominantly a slow growing and asymptomatic disease, emergencies directly caused by prostate cancer are relatively rare. But there are a few conditions that can arise and it is good to be aware of them. Dr. Scholz highlights a few of these emergency conditions.
Sexual Side Effects by John Mulhall, MD | Talk Summary | 2015 Prostate Cancer Conference
This summary is from the 2015 Prostate Cancer Conference where in his lecture, John Mulhall, MD, discussed Optimizing Sexual Function Outcomes. Dr. Mulhall is preeminent thought leader in sexual side effect treatment. Here is the summary:
Sex after PCa Treatment: Can An Old Dog Learn New Tricks?
A Clinical Sexologist talks about how to accept and grow with the inevitable changes that come with prostate cancer. It's “back to school” for learning a whole new sexuality when it comes to prostate cancer.
In Praise of Life in the Libido Free Zone
Although I don’t subscribe to the idea that we men are exclusively the products of our hormones, our sex life—or lack of it—following cancer treatment is a matter of serious concern to almost all of us.