Helpline Corner: Bob Each, My Story
Bob Each shares the inspiring story of his prostate cancer journey and some practical ideas about living with the disease.
Playing “Chicken”: Sometimes You Both Lose
I have never seen a real game of chicken where two cars race head on toward each other to see who will swerve first, i.e., who is chicken. However, we are seeing an actual game of chicken being played out before our eyes on the national stage.
Wanted: Safe Places Where Women Whose Men Have Prostate Cancer Can Talk About What Really Matters
Fact of life: The presence of even a single man in any support group changes the nature of the conversation about prostate cancer.
As one woman told me, “When the men aren’t there, we talk much more freely about how the disease is affecting both of us psychologically—our worries, our fears, our need to put on a brave face. And how we feel about everything that is happening— or not happening—in the bedroom.”