Active Surveillance Patients International Presents Webinar, "Active Surveillance Journeys: A Peaceful Easy Feeling" on November 27

Register for this event by going to the following link: ASPI WEBINAR REGISTRATION

From the ASPI — Thank you for your feedback from our last webinar. We plan to make some modifications based on your thoughts. The lessons from that webinar were profound, so we hope you will share it.

The title of our next webinar comes from the famous Eagles song. It may seem odd to think of PC in those terms, but some men are approaching that state of mind, and they will share their stories on Nov 27 at noon ET.

First we will hear from our one of our founders, Thrainn Torvaldsson, our gentle viking after 14 yrs on AS, progressed to well-researched treatment.

We will hear from Joe Gallo, a former marine, who after several years on AS underwent the most advanced monitoring including PSMA, micro-ultrasound, transperineal biopsy to help choose appropriate treatment. He too will touch on his experience with the VA in his journey

Next we will hear from Dave Keller, a Gleason 7, who went through his own sepsis challenges.

Then we will move on to Gleason 6 with our Canadian Phil Segal.

Last, Mark Lichty who after 16 yrs on AS has no detectable cancer.

Some of these stories are on our website but you will get the latest updates on Nov 27.

May we all find peace in our journey.


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