Video: PROVEN: In 26,000 Men - True Gleason 6 Prostate Cancer Does Not Metastasize | 2019 PCRI Conference

2019 PCRI Conference | Transcription

Thank you.

This is from Dr. Klotz. The guy that got the Nobel Prize yesterday for saving so many men from unnecessary surgery and radiation. And this slide just, I think it's just so exciting and so reassuring and so unexpected. He pointed out that there's been more—in clinical trials—there's been over 26,000 men with Gleason 6 that have been evaluated for the possibility of cancer spread and there was never a single conclusive case of spread. As you know, metastasis, or spread, is what defines the danger of cancer. Cancers that don't spread are benign tumors. So, benign tumors don't metastasize: Malignant ones do. And this is describing a benign tumor if it's grade 6. And he went into how important it is to ensure that it really is pure grade 6 and there aren't other things in the background. But people who have grade 6 should be starting from a premise of watching, not treating. Not starting from a premise of treating—which is what we think of with cancer—and then maybe watching. You start with the premise of watching. That's where you begin.


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