Support PCRI! A Reminder to Prostate Cancer Patients Everywhere!


My name is Bob Each. I have been a Helpline Facilitator and volunteer for PCRI for over 20 years, and I am asking you to join me and support PCRI this holiday season.

1995 started out as a great year. My two girls were in college and I was nearing thirty years of employment at IBM while looking forward to early retirement. However, in early October a blood test showed a PSA over 100! At the ripe young age of 51, I was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer and given 6 months to 3 years to live. Fortunately, I found the right doctor, PCRI’s Co-Founder Dr. Stephen Strum. By some miracle, the treatments worked and my PSA began to drop.

My daughters graduated from college. Twelve plus years ago grandchildren started showing up. I have even been able to travel the world. I went to the Antarctic and let penguins stomp on my toes, learned territorial rights of 700 lb sea lions, had a monkey steal my lunch in Kenya, scuba’d the Great Barrier Reef, played with small Lemon Sharks in Bora Bora, explored castles in Europe, and much, much more.

For the last 20 years my PSA has been under 0.1. I have side effects but I’m still here! My advice to prostate cancer survivors is to keep moving, keep hoping, keep planning, and keep researching. Learn how to use the internet! It’s the greatest library on earth. You can become a mini-expert in minutes. Check out www.pcri. org. They have more information on prostate cancer than you can consume in weeks. Call the PCRI Help-line. PCRI’s first employee, Helpline Harry got me started on the right track. The PCRI helps hundreds of thousands of men across the world to figure out this mess called prostate cancer.

Any donation will help PCRI create resources to help those who were not as fortunate as myself or maybe you! It’s our job as prostate cancer patients to get off our butts and help other patients learn about this disease so they don’t have to go through the same pain we went through, and PCRI can help prevent that in a massive way. Let’s get together and help them do what we are grateful someone did for us.

Okay, I’ll get off my soapbox now.

Thanks for listening and much love this holiday season,

Robert “Bob” Each




Video: Side Effects of Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer