2018 Prostate Cancer Conference Recap

PCRI is grateful to everyone who attended our annual Prostate Cancer Conference, and we extend our thanks to all of the heroes who donate to ensure we can continue our mission. For those who were unable to attend, here is a recap of all of the wonderful information and events at the 2018 Prostate Cancer Conference. You can also order a DVD of the main sessions and Q+As at our website www.pcri.org

This year, the schedule was a bit different than usual. On Friday, as patients arrived, they took a quiz to find out which stage of prostate cancer they were, based on the PCRI Staging Guide. After the opening session with Verne Varona, a health educator who presented on diet and nutrition, patients and caregivers attended support group sessions based on the stage of their prostate cancer. By breaking it down into stages, men and caregivers were able to participate in groups that were even more specific to their case. These sessions featured an hour long presentation from a doctor who specializes in prostate cancer and the Stage of the session they were in, followed by an hour long support group segment.

After the support group sessions, patients could either take a quick rest or attend the “Art Theraplay” session led by Mia Moyad, In Mia’s class, attendees were allowed the time and process to be creative, release stress, and enjoy a safe space to share their work with each other. The session was called “Art Theraplay” because of the extremely therapeutic benefits that come from expression and creation through art. After this session, Stephen Auerbach, MD gave a practical presentation on ‘Urinary Incontinence‘. After Dr. Auerbach’s presentation, attendees were invited to the Friday evening PCRI Happy Hour. Happy Hour featured a cash bar, DJ Pasha - who brought us wonderful entertainment and upbeat music -  and therapy dogs!

On Saturday, the big presentations were delivered in the main ballroom from some of the most well known doctors in their fields. Mark Moyad, MD opened up the day with a welcome and some always appreciated humor, then introduced the first speaker, Gerald Andriole, MD. Dr. Gerald Andriole opened the day’s major sessions with a comprehensive overview of prostate cancer. He was followed by Evan Yu, MD’s extremely informative presentation on advanced treatments for prostate cancer. After being not-so-happily pranked by Dr. Moyad, Mack Roach, MD gave us the pros and cons of every type of radiation for prostate cancer. Mohit Khera, MD then delivered a wonderful talk on sexual issues and the many treatments for erectile dysfunction, and Eugene Kwon, MD ended the day’s major sessions with everything to know about the latest and greatest in immune boosting therapy, as well as prostate cancer imaging.

Throughout the day, we also held several support groups, including a support group for gay men, one for caregivers, one for men on active surveillance, and another group for those dealing with the challenges of intimacy. After such a long and informative day, Dr. Moyad let everyone go for a dinner break and invited them to participate in our Classic Film Night. Once the sun set, attendees went poolside to enjoy the classic film, “How to Steal a Million”, as they enjoyed concessions and the wonderful acting of Audrey Hepburn and Peter O’Toole!

The conference started back on Sunday morning with “Ask the Experts“ sessions. Attendees could choose between the different presentation topics; ‘Ask Medicare’, ‘PET/CT
Imaging and Prostate MRI’, ‘Chemotherapy + Xofigo’, ‘Hormone Treatments’, ‘Radiation Therapy’, and ‘Immunotherapy’. After these sessions, we all met back up in the main ballroom for the Conference Review from Mark Moyad, MD and Mark Scholz, MD.

This was yet another incredible conference. PCRI thanks all of you who make our conferences possible by; donating, presenting, leading support groups, volunteering, exhibiting, and, of course, attending. We appreciate all of the heroes who support us. We couldn’t do this without you! We look forward to seeing you all at next years September conference, but in the meantime, we invite you to register for our 2019 Moyad & Scholz Mid-Year Update! And if you didn’t make it to the 2018 Prostate Cancer Conference, order your copy of the DVDs today! The sets include all of the major presentations on Saturday and the Conference Review on Sunday. Register or place your order on our website, or call us at 310-743-2116!


Prostate Digest | Fall 2018, Volume 22, Issue 3


Advice for Your Doctor Visits