Prostate Insights Quarterly Newsletter | Volume 20, Issue 1

By Peter Scholz // PCRI Creative Director

Hello Researcher, welcome to a new issue of Prostate Insights, a newsletter that brings you the latest information about prostate cancer. In addition to arresting the progress of cancer growth, it is of equal if not--in some cases--of more importance to focus on quality of life issues that arise as a result of one's treatment choice.

Our Helpline often is asked questions about alternative treatments, both to fight cancer, and also coping with the side effects. The featured article in this issue addresses a question that is at the forefront of our culture's awareness: Medical marijuana. There are rumors and intimations about anti-cancer effects, and a general mystique surrounding the issue. A recognized expert on alternative treatments, Mark Moyad, MD, author of "The Supplement Handbook: A Trusted Expert's Guide to What Works & What's Worthless for More Than 100 Conditions," analyses clinical data regarding its efficacy for cancer, and treatment related side effects.

A groundbreaking treatment for advanced metastatic cancer, called Xofigo is available for men; written by Michael Anderson, MD, a radiation oncologist  from Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada and Nicholas Vogelzang, MD, an oncologist and speaker at our recent 2016 Prostate Cancer Conference. They explains the mechanism of how it delivers radiation specifically to bone metastastes and shares how they incorporates it into treatment protocols. They also examine its proven effects on survival and its impact on cancer related bone pain; concluded by examining areas of further research currently being conducted.

Our free Helpline serves hundreds of patients and caregivers per month, and our Helpline facilitators have collected the most common questions that they receive on a daily basis, and provide answers in this issues' “Helpline Corner.” The friendly and knowledgeable Helpline staff is available to help you find specific information about your own personal case, and facilitate an effective one-of-a-kind learning experience for patients and caregivers.

We have a blog that is constantly updated with new prostate cancer information and other useful resources that help you understand your disease and make optimal decisions. In this issue we have included a blog from the PCRI website to give you a taste of our online resources. 

I hope you find this issue to be entertaining, thought provoking, and most importantly, empowering; and that you will partner with your caregiver and medical team with confidence, armed with knowledge.


Targeted Radiation Administered by Injection


2016 Prostate Cancer Conference Highlights