Stand With Us! Join Fabio Almeida, MD and Donate to PCRI!

Dear PCRI Supporter,

Today, 500 men were newly-diagnosed with prostate cancer. Roughly 2.9 million men are currently living with the disease. In just the last few years, the number of treatment options has expanded exponentially, creating an overwhelming amount of information. Men struggle to process all this new information and discern what is relevant for their personal case. Many of you know what it is like to face these issues, whether for yourself or a loved one. You understand the crucial need for a supportive and empowering place to find unbiased and accurate information. Thankfully, men and their loved ones can turn to the Prostate Cancer Research Institute.

You can help equip the PCRI to continue touching more than a million people annually. Your financial gift enables PCRI to provide the latest research, ensuring that men have access to knowledge that can help them make informed decisions about their treatment. You allow PCRI to continue their essential mission—providing clarity, support, education, and empowerment for men and their loved ones.

Through supporting PCRI, you strengthen the prostate cancer community and ensure that individuals receive the personalized information they need via a free Helpline, a comprehensive website, insightful videos, and world-class conferences. You can make a significant impact on the lives of prostate cancer patients and their loved ones. Please donate or pledge today. On behalf of the PCRI and the prostate cancer community they serve, thank you for standing with us!



Fabio D. Almeida, MD
Medical Director, Phoenix Molecular Imaging
PCRI Board of Directors


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Fabio Almeida, MD graduated top of his class and with honors from The Chicago Medical School. He completed a residency and fellowship in nuclear medicine at the University of San Francisco, and is certified by the American Board of Nuclear Medicine and the Certification Board of Nuclear Cardiology. He was in academic practice at the University of California, San Francisco, and private practice until 2005. Dr. Almeida is one of the pioneers in the development and implementation of cross modality fusion for cancer imaging (SPECT, PET, CT and MRI) and PET/CT. He also worked for the Centers for Disease Control after 9/11 for several years as a physician and informatics specialist consultant.


Dr. Mark Moyad: Diet, Lifestyle + Prostate Cancer


The First Decision: Screening for Prostate Cancer with PSA