Check Out The Prostate Cancer 101 Video Series

You may have noticed the new series of animated patient education videos that we've been rolling out over the last year. They were produced pro bono by a leader in e-learning solutions called KMI Learning out of Columbus Ohio. To-date the videos have been viewed nearly 15,000 times!

We're pleased to announce that we'll be working with KMI on videos for the new SHADES program. Stay tuned for more information on this groundbreaking patient education series.

In the mean, time check out our Prostate Cancer 101 video series below: 

Prostate Cancer 101: What's the deal with the PSA test?

Prostate Cancer 101: So Your PSA Is High,     What Now?

For the majority of men, prostate cancer is very slow growing. You have time to take control if your PSA is high, so don't rush into random needle biopsies. Learn more about your prostate and what you should do following a high PSA score. 

Knowing your PSA is crucial, despite what you may have heard. Learn the facts so that unnecessary biopsies and over treatment can be avoided, and so you can stay on top of your health. 


Prostate Cancer 101: For the Loved Ones of Prostate Cancer Patients

Prostate Cancer 101: The Gleason Score Demystified

The Gleason score is a grade for your prostate cancer, determining how aggressive or nonaggressive it is. Watch this video to learn more and understand what this score really means. 

This video is meant to help the caregivers and loved ones of prostate cancer patients. The entire process can be overwhelming, but this video is intended to help guide you. Take a deep breath, watch this video, and rest easier with accurate information. 


Active Surveillance: Q&A with Dr. Laurence Klotz


Bone Metastases and Prostate Cancer | An Interview with Dr. E. David Crawford by Prostatepedia