Accessing The Medical Chart | Indigo

Many treatments have irreversible consequences, so it is important to pick the best treatment first. It is commonly understood in medical circles that long-term survival is improved by receiving optimal treatment up front. The first treatment is your best shot at eradicating the cancer.

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The PSA Blood Test | Indigo

PSA plays a variety of roles, the most familiar being screening to detect prostate cancer at an early stage. PSA also helps to define the Stages of Blue. Another role of PSA is to detect cancer relapse after surgery or radiation. Lastly, rises or declines in PSA after hormone therapy or chemotherapy help determine whether a treatment is working...

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Introduction To Treatment | Indigo

Once the proper Stage of Blue is assigned. the different treatments appropriate for that Stage can be considered. Overall, there are four broad categories of treatment available for prostate cancer: observation, local treatments, systemic treatments, and combination therapy.

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Indigo | Subtypes

Treatment for Indigo varies per the subtype. Men with Low-Indigo are presumed to have disease confined to the prostate or where the prostate used to be located.  Men with Basic-Indigo are at significant risk for...

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Unorthodox Therapies for Indigo

Some of the unorthodox treatments for Azure, such as aspirin, metformin, and statins, may be worthy of consideration for Indigo. Treatment with ancillary agents such as these should generally be considered as additions rather than substitutions to an overall protocol that includes standard anticancer therapies. 

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